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Rank-Sum Tests for Clustered Data Somnath Datta University of Georgia Athens, GA 30043 Joint work with Glen A. Satten, Centers.

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Presentation on theme: "Rank-Sum Tests for Clustered Data Somnath Datta University of Georgia Athens, GA 30043 Joint work with Glen A. Satten, Centers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rank-Sum Tests for Clustered Data Somnath Datta University of Georgia Athens, GA 30043 Joint work with Glen A. Satten, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Atlanta NCSU 2004, Sept 17

2 The Wilcoxon rank sum test is an attractive way to compare two groups, and has become a standard procedure among working statisticians. - needs independent observations In many practical situation, there are clusters of correlated observations. Examples of clustered data include repeated measurement of blood pressure from a single individual, responses of litter mates in an experiment using rodents, or body mass index of siblings.

3 Simply averaging the response within clusters and then applying a linear rank test for independent data may give a test with improper size, since the null hypothesis of equal distribution between groups may be violated if the two groups have different distributions of cluster sizes. Further, this simple approach is not available when members of the same cluster may belong to different groups. Additionally, the correlation between cluster members may depend on group membership.

4 Possible approaches One can make assumptions about the nature of the Clustering. For example assume that cluster members are exchangeable and that the correlation structure within clusters is independent of group. Rosner, Glynn and Lee (2003) have recently proposed a rank test for clustered data that in essence stratifies on cluster size to create a rank-sum statistic for clustered data for the case when cluster members necessarily belong to the same group.

5 Our approach: Extends an idea for parameter-estimation of Hofman, Sen and Weinberg (2001) and Williamson, Datta and Satten (2003) to hypothesis testing. The resulting test is valid in a wide variety of settings, e.g. when members of the same cluster belong to different groups or when the correlation structure depends on group membership.

6 Null hypothesis:


8 We


10 Table 1. Synthetic data to illustrate calculation of our proposed test statistic ID Cluster iMember k X ik g ik    F j (X ik ) ½{F(X ik ) +F(X ik -)} 1111001/18 2124113/247/18 32120 … … 42240 52361 62471 73141 83270 93381

11  ↑ 





16 Asymptotic Distribution of Rank-Sum Test for Clustered Data

17 that a simple sufficient condition is _____________________________________________________________

18 Extension to m groups T

19 Rosner Glynn and Lee (RGL, 2003) proposed a rank test for clustered data for the case where all observations in the same cluster belong to the same group. RGL test assumes that cluster members are exchangeable and the correlation structure within clusters is independent of group. The RGL stratifies on cluster size; after ranking all observations (ignoring clustering), it compares the rank sum of observations from group 1 having cluster size k to the fraction of group 1 clusters of size k times the total rank sum of observations from clusters of size k. The final statistic sums the comparisons over all cluster sizes and divides by an appropriate standard deviation.

20 Because RGL compares groups at each cluster size, imbalance in the distribution of groups across cluster size strata will result in inefficiency. At the extreme, all data from cluster sizes for which only one group is represented is ignored by the RGL test. By scoring clusters by the sum of ranks of cluster members, we can anticipate that RGL will perform best when correlation is weak; as correlation increases, the effective number of independent observations per cluster drops so that RGL overweighs larger clusters. By the same reasoning, our new approach may be less efficient than RGL when correlation is weak, as large clusters are underweighted.

21 A Simple Simulation Study Let M 0 and M 1 denote the number of clusters whose members are in group 0 and group 1 respectively. We generated data


23 SD

24 TESTING WHEN CLUSTER MEMBERS CAN BELONG TO DIFFERENT GROUPS Consider testing the difference in blood pressure between boys and girls when some study participants are siblings. In this case, clusters correspond to sets of siblings, while the groups correspond to boys or girls. The restriction that all members of the same cluster belong to the same group would correspond to the requirement that only families comprising only boys or only girls be included in the study. There is no currently-available rank-based approach to test group differences when group and cluster memberships do not coincide.

25 Testing for linkage and association between a marker locus and a quantitative trait locus Family-based association tests are used to determine if alleles at a marker locus are associated with alleles at a locus that does directly affect a trait of interest. Association can arise either by confounding, or because the marker and trait loci are located in close proximity to each other on the same chromosome (linkage). Transmission-disequilibrium tests (TDTs) use data from nuclear families and take non-null values only when both association and linkage exist between marker and trait loci. TDTs for quantitative traits are referred to as qTDTs.

26 Xiong, Krushkal and Boerwinkle qTDT if a (A) is transmitted

27 }

28 A simulation study 50 families, 100,000 iterations


30 Application to Data on Circulating Angiotensin-1 Converting Enzyme (ACE) Levels

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