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Module 4 Fighting back!. Learning Outcomes At the end of this module you should be able to: –identify and understand IAS management goals –state some.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 4 Fighting back!. Learning Outcomes At the end of this module you should be able to: –identify and understand IAS management goals –state some."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 4 Fighting back!

2 Learning Outcomes At the end of this module you should be able to: –identify and understand IAS management goals –state some examples of successful eradications –understand that IAS can be successfully eradicated or controlled

3 Fighting Back! The worldwide problem of IAS is serious BUT the outlook is not all doom and gloom! Around the world people are fighting back against unwanted invaders

4 What are the goals of IAS management? There are four options: –Prevention –Early detection & rapid response –Eradication –Control / Mitigation Red Imported Fire Ant

5 Why manage IAS? Must have specific goals, such as: –protecting an endangered species –conserving biodiversity –protecting human health

6 Eradication Campbell Island –an 11,000 hectare sub-Antarctic island infested with 200,000 rats –eradication necessary to protect rare native wildlife –completed using 120 tonnes of rat bait dropped by helicopter –the largest island eradication of rodents Campbell Island teal Ship loading rat bait

7 Eradication Increasing size of New Zealand islands from which rats have been eradicated Eradication of IAS on large islands is now possible due to: –better techniques –improved technology –years of experience

8 Control Lake Wilson, Hawaii –invaded by the aquatic weed Salvinia molesta –multi-agency task force set up to address the problem –used herbicide and mechanical removal to clear 38,000 m³ of weed from lake –requires monthly maintenance to prevent regrowth Before After

9 Mitigation Possum browsing –threatens rare native New Zealand mistletoe plants –individual trees are ‘tinned’ to prevent possums from climbing them metal barrier on trunk

10 The way forward Eradication is now an achievable goal in many situations Often more than one species can be eradicated at a time Getting institutional buy-in is important

11 Summary Apathy is not an option! Techniques & resources for eradication are constantly improving There are numerous success stories from around the world Eradication is hard work but the results are worth it!

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