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Making Ends Meet 2015 BY: AUSTIN TUCK. GPA (grade point average)= 3.62  Education Options Include: Graduates degree Undergraduates degree Associates.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Ends Meet 2015 BY: AUSTIN TUCK. GPA (grade point average)= 3.62  Education Options Include: Graduates degree Undergraduates degree Associates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Ends Meet 2015 BY: AUSTIN TUCK

2 GPA (grade point average)= 3.62  Education Options Include: Graduates degree Undergraduates degree Associates degree High School Diploma  Possible Jobs: Armed Forces, Police Officer, Security Guard, Teacher, Judge, Lawyer, Clergy, Astroanut

3 Job/Career for Reality Store  Job Title: Judge  Gross Yearly Salary:74,000  Job Duties: overseeing the courts legal process, instructing the jury on guidelines, reviewing documents  Educational/Training: A bachelors degree, on the job training, and possibly a law degree  Demand: moderate demand

4 MIT Test Results  My highest score is in Logical/Mathematical. This makes sense seeing that I excel in math and am very good at strategy games. A lawyer is a job that sounds promising and is recommended by my MIT results and I would be defending clients in a court of law. I have considered it as a job before.

5 MIT Test Results My free choices and forced choices are mostly parallel. There is a sharp escalation in the Logical/Mathematical which is my highest in both free choice and forced choice. To improve my learning in this I could do math problems and play games like chess, checkers, etc. My lowest learning style is Intrapersonal and to improve it I could spend time by myself studing.

6 Budget  Description: an estimate of an income and an expenditure for a set periods of time. A plan listing your income along with all the expenses or costs you have While reviewing this months budget I discovered I would have more savings than last month. Definition: a plan that allows you to configure costs and find out how much money you will spend and save.

7 Gross Income Description: The total amount of money you make, including all income, taxes, SS, and benefits. Definition: How much you make before taxes My gross income tells me I can afford it but I know I cant after taxes.

8 Net Income Description: The total amount of money you make after the SS Taxes, and other… What you actually bring home. Definition: The money you have after taxes I had only 2/3s of the money is was promised after taxes and that was my net income.

9 Disposable Income Description: Income remaining after deducting mandatory rent, bills and charges, available to be spent or saved as one wishes I SPENT ALL MY DISPOSABLE INCOME ON SLIM JIMS. AHHHHH Definition: The money left over from your net income after taxes that can be spent on what you want.

10 Federal, State, and County Taxes Description: Money taken out of your check for services that support gov. programs (fire, police, streets, teachers, welfare, food stamps…

11 Social Security Retirement Money!!!!

12 Medicare Medical Benefit for when you retire, you still pay for it, just less than usual

13 IRA,403,Annuity A financial product sold by financial institutions that is designed to accept and grow funds from an individual and then, upon maturing, pay out a stream of payments to the individual at a later point in time. Annuities are primarily used as a means of securing a steady cash flow for an individual during the retirement years. (Sometimes taking out of paycheck, sometimes done independently)

14 Finding Net Monthly CALCULATE YOUR TAKE HOME PAY Enter in your job title and gross pay per year JOB TITLE:Judge GROSS PAY PER YEAR:74,000.00 GROSS PAY PER MONTH:6,166.67B4 divided by 12 Federal Tax (15%)925.00B5 times 0.15 FDIC/Med: (9%)555.00B5 times 0.09 State (3%)185.00B5 times 0.03 City (2%)123.33B5 times 0.02 Total (29%)1,788.33B5 times 0.29 Net Monthly Income:$4,378.33B5 minus B10

15 Personal Finance Expense Category (starting with fixed expenses) Recommended % Monthly Pay Approx. amount you plan to spend Housing35%1,532.42 Transportation10%437.80 Electric5%218.92 Gas Heat5%218.92 Water2%87.56 Insurance8%350.27 Medical and Health10%437.80 TV/Internet/Phone2%87.56 Groceries (Food)3%131.35 Savings10%437.80 Variable Expenses10%437.80

16 House Bills Fixed Expense: bills that don’t change monthly like your cell phone or Internet, mortgage or car loan. Variable Expense: bills that vary every month, like electricity in summer versus winter, or clothes budget Utilities: public services like water, electric, and gas.

17 Mortgage Description: money lent in advance for a large purchase, with the understanding that you will pay back the principal with interest The mortgage for my house is a 30 year fixed rate.

18 Austin's Home  Total Cost: 230,000  Monthly Payment:1,234.69  Two Story, 5 beds, 3.5 bath  Large Backyard, Large Back Patio, Nice Front Yard, Good Layout  152 Fieldstone Place, Greenwood IN, 46143  Water Heater, A/C, City Sewage

19 Mortgage Check March-18-20154 Wells Fargo Bank1,234.69/100 One Hundred, Two Hundred, Thirty-Four Hundred Dollars---------------69/100-------------- House Mortgage Acct:#785411588

20 Car Vocabulary  Loan: amount of money someone (bank or credit union) gives you up front to pay for a large purchase, with the understanding that you will pay it back over time each month, with interest (That extra money they charge you for using their money)  Lease: Renting instead of buying. You are “back loaded” on the monthly payment…meaning you pay less per month, but at the end, you make that up when buying it, or you have to give them back the car. Usually has stipulations, like paying for full coverage on car insurance and mileage allowance.

21 Car Total Cost: 30,459 Monthly Payment: 701.45 4 year loan Two door Muscle Car A 3 year loan : 912.88

22 Lifestyle  From doing this activity I have learned that I need to keep my grades up so that I can get a high-paying job so that I may take care of myself and my family and so that I may get all the things I want in life. I have learned how to do many things including writing checks and budgeting.

23 Personal Finance Links  Spent: One of the harder decisions was deciding to take my dog to the pound. I have two dogs so in real life this would be a crushing blow to me but in the game couldn’t afford it.  Living Wage Calculator: I compared Greenwood with Bullitt County, Kentucky and it is cheaper to live in Bullitt County but as I have lived in Bullitt County before and the quality of life is about the same I would live in Bullitt County.  Reality Check: It told me I would need about 1000 a week which would mean for most jobs that pay that much I would need at least a Bachelors Degree.  Would You Rather: In the Buy 5 Pounds Of Honey for 15.35 or Buy Three 1 pound 8 Ounce Bottles Of Honey for 14.39 and you would get the 5 Pound Jug because for a dollar more you get 8 more ounces of honey  Worst Jobs In History: I got Barber-Surgeon and my percent was 94%

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