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ELI Nuclear Physics Workshop Magurele Feb Gérard Mourou

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1 ELI Nuclear Physics Workshop Magurele Feb. 1. 2010 Gérard Mourou

2 ELI Integrated Infrastructure
CZ Prague HO Szeged RO Bucarest


4 The ELI’s Ultimate Scientific Goal: “ Study of the structure of matter from Atom to Vacuum “

5 Photonuclear Physics: Exploring Nuclei with Laser



8 QCD ~1035W/cm2 EQ=mpc2 Relativistic Compression Ultra Relativistic
NL Optics Ultra-relativistic intensity is defined with respect to the proton EQ=mpc2, intensity~1024W/cm2

9 ELI Cardinal Features Ultra High intensity
Relativistic and ultrarelativistic regime Ultrashort Pulse of high energy radiations and particles because (Power-Pulse Duration Conjecture) Pristine synchronization between beams within a fraction of the period

10 Unique laser properties:
- ultrahigh fields - ultrashort pulses Novel techniques: - production of brilliant photon beams

11 Peak Power -Pulse Duration Conjecture
To get high peak power you must decrease the pulse duration. To get short pulses you must increase the intensity

12 Relativistic and Ultra R
Laser Pulse Duration vs. Intensity Q-Switch, Dye I=kW/cm2 Modelocking, Dye I=MW/cm2 Mode-Locking KLM I=GW/cm2 MPI I>1013W/cm2 Relativistic and Ultra R Atto, zepto….?

13 Relativistic Optics b) Relativistic optics v~c
a)Classical optics v<<c, a0>>1, a0<<a02 a0<<1, a0>>a02 x~ao z~ao2

14 Relativistic Rectification (Wake-Field Tajima, Dawson)
+ - pushes the electrons. The charge separation generates an electrostatic longitudinal field. (Tajima and Dawson: Wake Fields or Snow Plough) The electrostatic field


16 Front and back acceleration mechanisms
Peak energy scales as : EM ~ (IL×)1/2

17 Ep ~ I1/2 Ep ~ I The Ultra relativistic:Relativistic Ions C C
Non relativistic ions Photons Ep ~ I1/2 C Vp ~0 Relativistic ions >1024 Photons Vp ~C Ep ~ I C

18 Thomson/Compton Scattering
High Energy Radiation Betatron oscillation X-ray laser Harmonic generation Thomson/Compton Scattering Radiation reaction

19 Attosecond pulse generation by Relativistic Compression

20 Scalable Isolated Attosecond Pulses
1D PIC simulations in boosted frame Duration, t (as) 2D: a=3, 200as tas)=600/a0 I=1022W/cm2 (Hercules) l=1019W/cm2 (3 laser) optimal ratio: a0/n0=2, or exponential gradient due to wcr=w0a-1/2 n0= n/ncr Amplitude, a

21 Attosecond Electron Bunches
a0=10, t=15fs, f/1, n0=25ncr Attosecond pulse train 25÷30 MeV Attosecond bunch train N. Naumova, I. Sokolov, J. Nees, A. Maksimchuk, V. Yanovsky, and G. Mourou, Attosecond Electron Bunches, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, (2004).

22 D. Habs

23 Expectations Romania must do its share. It must become the world premier facility in Laser-Based Nuclear Physics. Must become a recognized pan-european Infrastructure, with collaboration from the ELI Partners (Cz, Hu, De, Fr, UK, …..) and beyond.

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