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To deal with A.) inform B.) topic sentence C.) copeD.) cape L C.) cope F.

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4 To deal with A.) inform B.) topic sentence C.) copeD.) cape L C.) cope F


6 Make an idea clear to someone. A.) explain B.) example C.) exhaustD.) exit LF A.) explain


8 The exact meaning of a word. A.) quote B.) definition C.) dictionaryD.) quotations L B.) definition F


10 A group of words that have a subject and a predicate. A.) sentence B.) topic sentence C.) compound sentenceD.) statement L A.) sentence F


12 The place where animals, plants and people live. A.) burrows B.) indoors C.) environmentD.) bask L C.) environment F


14 To rest in warmth. A.) behavior B.) bask C.) tanD.) example L B.) bask F


16 The actual words of another person. A.) question B.) details C.) quotationsD.) quote L F


18 A sentence that states the topic of a paragraph. A.) compound sentence B.) sentence C.) topic sentenceD.) main idea L C.) topic sentence F


20 A model. A.) topic B.) explain C.) carD.) example L F


22 The overall subject of the text. A.) sentence B.) paragraph C.) main ideaD.) topic L F


24 To give facts or information A.) topic B.) inform C.) introduceD.) sentence L B.) inform F


26 Information that supports or tells more about the main idea. A.) definition B.) detest C.) main ideaD.) details L F


28 A pair of punctuation marks “” that are used to show the beginning and end of a quotation. A.) quote B.) punctuation C.) quotationsD.) question L C.) quotations F


30 Holes that animals dig in the ground to live or hide in. A.) burrowsB.) bask C.) holesD.) desert L A.) burrows F

31 Congratulations! Thank-you for playing…


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