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片段教学: while-reading Unit 4 Topic 1 Section C 内蒙古呼伦贝尔市牙克石市教培中心 刘丽萍.

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Presentation on theme: "片段教学: while-reading Unit 4 Topic 1 Section C 内蒙古呼伦贝尔市牙克石市教培中心 刘丽萍."— Presentation transcript:

1 片段教学: while-reading Unit 4 Topic 1 Section C 内蒙古呼伦贝尔市牙克石市教培中心 刘丽萍

2 Think over What kind of plants do you like? Where can we find many plants?

3 In a forest.

4 If it often rains in a forest, the forest will be a … rainforest

5 What do you know about the rainforest? There are many trees and animals there.



8 Fast reading: Read the passage silently: Try to answer the questions below: 1. What are rainforests like? 2. What can we get from the rainforests? While you are reading, try to guess the meaning of the new words you meet. Then get help from your group members.

9 I can do it New wordsMy guessingGroup ideasCheck together

10 1. What are rainforests like? 2. What can we get from the rainforests? We can get wood, rubber, fruit, medicine and … There are many trees and animals. It’s always dark and hot in rainforest and the ground is always wet.

11 Careful-reading Read the text again and try to get the best answer to questions in 1b of P81.

12 Answer questions 1.What does “cover” mean in the passage? A.set up C. have B. spread over HOW do you know it ? cover : n. 封面, 覆盖物 cover: v. 覆盖

13 2. We can’t get the answer to Question____ from the passage. A. What are in rainforests? B. Why are rainforests important to us? C. What can we get from the rainforests? D. What should we do to protect rainforests? Answer questions Where can you get the details in the passage?

14 “They are the lungs of the earth. The plants in the forest help to make the air fresher. They also help to control the climate.” 3. Why are rainforests “the lungs of the earth”? Answer questions ---

15 4. What’s the main idea of the passage? Answer questions HOW do you know it ? 1.Meaning of each paragraph. 2.The topic sentence of each paragraph. 3.The last sentence or paragraph of the passage.

16 Memory test

17 Rainforests 6%of the. Thousands and animals live in rainforests. It’s always and in rainforests and the is always. Rainforests are the of the earth. The plants in the forest make the air. They also help to the. Now, rainforests are becoming, so we them. Rainforest coversurface thousands of dark ground lungs fresher control smaller protect earth’s hot wet help to climate and smaller should

18 Rainforests are crying!

19 If rainforests are gone…


21 What should we do?

22 Group work Importance of rainforestOur action make the air freshersave more paper ride bicycles more

23 Homework Complete your report and write a composition. Remember: 1. give a title. 2. There must be several paragraphs. 3. Try to use the comparative degree.

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