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France: The Bourbon “Restoration” Era (1815-1830) Objective~ Understand the situation of France after the Congress.

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Presentation on theme: "France: The Bourbon “Restoration” Era (1815-1830) Objective~ Understand the situation of France after the Congress."— Presentation transcript:

1 France: The Bourbon “Restoration” Era (1815-1830) Objective~ Understand the situation of France after the Congress

2 4 Louis XVIII Constitutional monarch (liberal) made The Charter  “The Charter”  Limited royal power, upheld the Napoleonic Code. 4 Louis brother, Charles X (Count of Artois) firm believer of Divine Rights (Conservative) 4 Leader of Ultraroyalist fought against this (suffered from rev.) 4 White Terror~ revenge on liberals 4 Framed liberals for murder of son 4 driven out of politics Louis XVIII (r. 1814-1824) King Charles X (r. 1824-1830)

3 King Charles X of France (r. 1824-1830) 4 His Goals:  Lessen the influence of the middle class.  Limit right to vote.  Public $$$ used to pay nobles for loss of lands during Rev.  Absolutism 4 His Program:  Attack The Charter.  Censorship

4 4 1830 Election liberals won majority. 4 July Ordinances  He dissolved the entire parliament.  Censorship.  Changed the voting laws to assure future conservative victories.  Charles X abdicated & exiled to England CONT.

5 Louis Philippe  The “Citizen King” 4 The Duke of Orleans (Liberal minded) 4 His Program:  Reduced property qualifications~ doubled voters  Abolished censorship  The Fr Revolution’s tricolor replaced the Bourbon flag 4 The gov. under the control of the wealthy middle class. (r. 1830-1848)

6 Louis Philippe  The “Citizen King” 4 Government ignored the needs/demands of the workers 4 July, 1832  an uprising in Paris was put down by force (800 were killed/wounded)  Seen as a violation of the status quo set at the Congress of Vienna.  King Louis Philippe lost control forced to abdicate A caricature of Louis Philippe

7 The 2 nd French Republic ( 1848-1852 ) GGeneral Louis Cavaignac assumed dictatorial powers/crushed revolt.  10,000 dead.  Victory for conservatives. GNew constitution provided for:  An elected President.  A one-house legislature. The Republic by Jean-Leon Gerome

8 President Louis Nap. Bonaparte (Nap. III) The Dec. election: –The “law and order” candidate, (Nap.) defeated Cavaignac. The New President: –Purged the gov. of radicals. Replaced with ultra-conservative –Quarreled w/ National Assembly Represented himself as a “Man of the People.” Assembly refused to allow him to be re-elected –Regularly used forced against dissenters. Nap’s nephew

9 “Little Nap” staged a Coup 1851 Pres. Louis Napoleon declared a hereditary 2 nd French Empire. A national VOTE confirmed this (7.5 mil) Controlled the legislature, censored the press, harassed rebels –Supported by army, property owners, church, peasants… 1852 named Emperor Nap. III

10 The “Concert” of Europe  Goal~ balance of power (peace, maintain the status quo~ conservative)  The Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle [1816]  Removal of troops in France-France in good standing  The Congress of Troppau [1820] & Congress of Laibach [1821]  Stable gov. may intervene to restore order in countries experiencing rev.  The Congress of Verona [1822]  Joint Action~ suppress rev. in Spain (1820) against Ferdinand VII (Bourbon) Ignored constitution  Britain withdrew from continental affairs

11 Ap Test Prep (pg 686-687) Complete #s 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,16

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