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Mutations 1. Point 2. Chromosomal Impact of mutations.

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Presentation on theme: "Mutations 1. Point 2. Chromosomal Impact of mutations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mutations 1. Point 2. Chromosomal Impact of mutations

2 Point Mutations 1.Substitution - only changes one codon 2.Deletion 3.Insertion Frame Shift Mutations - causes codons to change 1.Deletion 2.Insertion Chromosomal Mutations - impacts genes not base pairs 1.Deletion 2.Duplication 3.Inversion 4.Translocation Mutations Frame Shift Mutations

3 GMO GMOs can be produced by gene cloning methods in which a non-native gene is introduced and expressed in a new organism.

4 GMO’s Examples: 1.Insecticides in plants 2.Human hormone Producing plants 3.Bacteria that enhance plant growth 4.Bt Corn & Potatoes – insect dies of septicemia 5.Roundup Ready Corn, Soybeans, Cotton 6.Arctic Char gene in strawberries – antifreeze 7.Rapid growing fish


6 Cloning

7 Blood Groups


9 Genetic Disorders

10 Gene Therapy & The Human Genome Project The goal is to insert the gene into the cells genome so that it will be transcribed and translated into a protein. 1.ID problem gene 2.Slice out normal gene 3.Splice normal gene into viral DNA 4.Let virus infect cells

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