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Mapping to the Common Education Data Standards 2012 MIS Conference February 15, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping to the Common Education Data Standards 2012 MIS Conference February 15, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping to the Common Education Data Standards 2012 MIS Conference February 15, 2012

2 Introductions Kathy Gosa – Kansas State Department of Education Jay Pennington – Iowa Department of Education Josh Klein – Oregon Department of Education Anthea Brady – Public Consulting Group

3 Overview What is CEDS? Data Mapping Process Metadata Management State Case Studies Future Mapping Discussion




7 States Involved in CEDS Mapping

8 Data Mapping Process Metadata Audit Data Mapping Team Source Expert Review Alignment and Gap Analysis SEA Time Commitment MSOffice Clipart Image

9 Data Mapping Process Metadata Audit SEA Team Mapping Team Review & Map Data Mapping Team Source Expert Review Data Mapping Team & SEA Experts Alignment & Gap Analysis SEA Team

10 Metadata Audit Identify state systems and subject areas – SIS, special education, staff, courses Discover data dictionaries, user guides, schemas – Identify depth of metadata documentation Identify expert for each source system – Who knows the tables inside and out?

11 CEDS Domain Entity Schema (DES) DomainEntity ELEL Child ELEL Family ELEL Staff ELEL Organization ELParent/Guardian DomainEntity K12K12 School K12Local Education Agency K12State Education Agency K12K12 Student K12K12 Staff K12K12 Section K12K12 Course K12Assessment K12Program K12Incident K12Calendar K12Parent/Guardian DomainEntity PSPS Institution PSPS Student PSPS Section DomainEntity AssessmentsAssessment AssessmentsAssessment Administration AssessmentsAssessment Form AssessmentsAssessment Item AssessmentsAssessment Item Response AssessmentsStudent Assessment Registration AssessmentsAssessment Subtest Score DomainEntity Learning Standards Learning Standards Document Learning Standards Learning Standards Item

12 Data Mapping Team Parse metadata documentation – Transform metadata to excel format for alignment to CEDS Map or “Align” state metadata to CEDS – Are these elements the same? – Are definitions and code sets the same or do they require transformation? Identify elements that do not align with CEDS

13 Source Expert Review Source experts identify and share additional metadata Mapper reviews new metadata and revises maps to CEDS Source experts review and provide feedback Mapper presents initial mapping PresentReview Identify New Metadata Revise

14 Gap Analysis

15 IowaKansasOregon K12 Student141821 Demographic91312 American Indian or Alaska Native111 Asian111 Birthdate112 Black or African American111 City of Birth1 Country of Birth Code1 Economic Disadvantage Status11 Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity111 Home Language Code111 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander111 Sex112 State of Birth Abbreviation1 White111 Identity559 First Name112 Generation Code/Suffix111 Identification Code (Student)111 Last/Surname111 Middle Name112 Other Name1 Grand Total141821

16 SEA Time Commitment

17 Metadata Management Helps: Compare across and within states Identify conflicts in data definitions Identify authoritative source for identification data Use plans to reduce data burdens Streamline definitions Prepare for updating and consolidating data systems


19 Kansas Process Commitment Outcomes Decision-making Next Steps MSOffice Clipart Image





24 Iowa Process Commitment Outcomes Decision-making Next Steps MSOffice Clipart Image




28 Future Mapping CEDS Alignment Tool – Import Data Dictionaries – Align to CEDS – Compare to CEDS and Other States



31 Contact Kathy Gosa: Jay Pennington: Josh Klein: Anthea Brady:

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