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Norges Bank 1 Executive Board meeting 1 November 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Norges Bank 1 Executive Board meeting 1 November 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Norges Bank 1 Executive Board meeting 1 November 2006

2 Norges Bank 2 Growth forecast Consensus Forecasts 20062007 Source: Consensus Forecasts

3 Norges Bank 3 House prices 1) and housing starts in the US Seasonally adjusted. 12-month change. 2) January 2003 – September 2006 1) Median price for dwellings 2) 3-quarter moving average Existing dwellings New dwellings Housing starts Sources: Reuters EcoWin and Norges Bank

4 Norges Bank 4 CPI/HICP 12-month change. January 2003 – September 2006 Sources: Reuters EcoWin and national statistical offices US Euro area Japan UK Sweden

5 Norges Bank 5 10-year yield in various countries Per cent. Week 1 2003 – Week 43 2006 US Sweden UK Germany Norway Source: Bloomberg

6 Norges Bank 6 Sources: Reuters and Norges Bank US Euro area Sweden UK Norway Actual and expected key rates at previous monetary policy meeting (27 September) and on 30 October 30 October 2006 27 September 2006

7 Norges Bank 7 Sources: Reuters, Intercontinental Exchange and Norges Bank 30 October 2006 22 June IR 2/06 Oil price Brent Blend and futures prices USD per barrel. 2 January 2002 – 30 October 2006

8 Norges Bank 8 Equities Indices. 1 January 2006 = 100. 1 January – 30 October 2006 Euro area US Japan Norway Sources: STOXX, S&P500, Nikkei, Oslo Stock Exchange and Reuters EcoWin Emerging markets

9 Norges Bank 9 Sources: Bloomberg and Norges Bank I-44 (right-hand scale) Weighted interest rate differential (left-hand scale) 22 June 2006 (cut-off IR 2/06) 30 October 2006 1) A rising curve denotes an appreciation of the krone. 3-month interest rate differential and import-weighted exchange rate (I-44) 1) January 2002 – December 2009

10 Norges Bank 10 Different indicators of inflation 12-month change. Per cent. January 2002 – September 2006 Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Weighted median CPI-ATE 1) 20 per cent trimmed mean CPI 1) CPI-ATE: CPI adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy products. A further adjustment is made for the estimated effect of reduced maximum day-care rates from January 2006.

11 Norges Bank 11 CPI-ATE 1) Total and by supplier sector 2). 12-month change. Per cent January 2002 – September 2006 Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Domestically produced goods and services (0.7) Imported consumer goods (0.3) CPI-ATE 1) CPI-ATE adjusted for the estimated effect of reduced maximum day-care rates from January 2006. 2) Norges Bank's calculations.

12 Norges Bank 12 Sources: Statistics Norway and Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV) Labour market. In 1000s of persons, seasonally adjusted. Jan 02 – Jul/Sept 06 1) The changes to the LFS have resulted in a break in the time series between 2005 and 2006. This affects the seasonally adjusted monthly figures from December 2005 onwards. LFS unemployment Registered unemployed LFS employment 1) Unemployment

13 Norges Bank 13 Business tendency survey Capacity utilisation in manufacturing. Per cent. 1988 Q1 – 2006 Q3 Source: Statistics Norway

14 Norges Bank 14 Enterprise sector credit 1) and liquid assets 2) 12-month growth. Per cent. January 2002 – September 2006 (C3 to July) 1) Mainland non-financial enterprises (C3) 2) Non-financial enterprises' liquid assets (M2) Money supply (M2) Source: Norges Bank Credit from domestic sources (C2) Total credit (C3)

15 Norges Bank 15 Goods consumption index Seasonally adjusted index. January 2004 – September 2006 Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank

16 Norges Bank 16 House prices and household debt Change on same month/quarter previous year. Per cent. January 2001 – September 2006 House prices Household debt Sources: Norwegian Association of Real Estate Agents, Association of Real Estate Agency Firms,, ECON, Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Real estate industry Statistics Norway

17 Norges Bank 17 Household net lending and net financial wealth to income ratio. Last 4 quarters. 1997 Q1 – 2006 Q2 Source: Norges Bank Net lending 2) Net financial wealth to income ratio 1) 1) Net assets as a share of disposable income. 2) In billions of NOK. Adjusted for estimated reinvested share dividends for 2000 – 2005

18 Norges Bank 18 Municipal net investment in financial assets Total last four quarters. In billions of NOK. 1997 Q1 – 2006 Q2 Source: Norges Bank

19 Norges Bank 19 Underlying spending growth in the government budget and nominal growth in mainland GDP Per cent. 1985 -2007 1) 1) Projections for 2007 from the Ministry of Finance Underlying spending growth Nominal growth in mainland GDP Sources: Ministry of Finance (National Budget 2007) and Statistics Norway

20 Norges Bank 20 Monetary Policy Strategy - Inflation Report 3/06 The sight deposit rate should be in the interval 3¼ - 4¼ per cent in the period to the publication of the next Inflation Report on 15 March, conditional on economic developments that are broadly in line with projections. The interest rate may gradually be raised to a more normal level at a somewhat faster pace than envisaged earlier, although it is unlikely that rates will be raised at every monetary policy meeting. Based on our current assessment, the interest rate will thus continue to be raised in small, not too frequent steps.

21 Norges Bank 21 Source: Norges Bank IR 2/06 Estimate of the output gap in the baseline scenario in IR 2/06 and IR 3/06 Per cent. 2004 Q1 – 2007 Q2 IR 3/06

22 Norges Bank 22 Baseline scenario in Inflation Report 3/06 Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Sight deposit rate CPI-ATE Output gap Import-weighted exchange rate

23 Norges Bank 23 Sources: Statistics Norway and Norges Bank Baseline scenario in Inflation Report 2/06 (red lines) with fan charts and baseline scenario in Inflation Report 3/06 (black lines) Sight deposit rate CPI-ATE Output gap Import-weighted exchange rate

24 Norges Bank 24 Market 30 October 2006 Baseline scenario IR 3/06 Sources: Reuters and Norges Bank Sight deposit rate in baseline scenario and market expectations regarding the sight deposit rate 1) Per cent. 2006 Q1 – 2009 Q4 1) Derived from estimated forward rates. A credit risk premium and a technical difference of 0.20 percentage point were deducted in calculating the sight deposit rate. The grey shaded interval shows the highest and lowest interest rates in the market's sight deposit rate scenario in the period 17 – 30 October 2006 Market expectations regarding the sight deposit rate

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