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Elbow, Wrist, & Hand! Today.... Elbow: Anatomy, Injuries, Treatment, & Rehabilitation.

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Presentation on theme: "Elbow, Wrist, & Hand! Today.... Elbow: Anatomy, Injuries, Treatment, & Rehabilitation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elbow, Wrist, & Hand! Today...

2 Elbow: Anatomy, Injuries, Treatment, & Rehabilitation

3 Bones of the Elbow zHumerus zRadius zulna

4 Ligaments of the Elbow zMedial Collateral zLateral Collateral zAnnular ligament

5 Muscles of the Elbow zBiceps zTriceps zBrachialis

6 Elbow Dislocation zMay result in serious damage to ligaments, arteries, veins, and nerves zparalysis of the fingers, arm, or hand is possible

7 Treatment: Elbow Dislocation zDon’t move the injury! zSplint it as it is and apply icepacks. zGo to ER immediately.

8 Elbow Hyperextension zElbow is forced past its usual range of motion (ROM) zathlete will keep the elbow in a bent position and won’t want to straighten the arm

9 TX: Hyperextension zRICE method zcheck for deformity, swelling, discoloration, and point tenderness

10 Tennis Elbow zInflammation of the lateral epicondoyle of the humerus

11 Tennis Elbow zCauses: overuse, weakness, poor technique, lack of flexibility, or inadequate warmup

12 Tennis Elbow zAthlete will experience general weakness of the muscles of the lower arm

13 Little League Elbow zOccurs in younger athletes when the muscle is stronger than the bone zMuscle pulls away a bone chip from the arm

14 Little League Elbow zPossible for ulnar nerve to be injured, resulting in numbness, weakness, or tingling of the forearm, hand, or fingers (check CSM!!!)

15 TX: LL Elbow zRICE zsee physician or go to ER

16 Wrist & Hand: Anatomy, Injuries, Treatment, & Rehabilitation

17 Bones: Wrist & Hand zDistal ends of the radius and ulna zcarpals zmetacarpals zphalanges

18 Wrist Sprains & Fractures zMost common of all the upper extremity injuries zbecause there are so many small wrist bones, always see a doctor to check for fractures

19 TX: Sprains & Fractures zRICE method zalways check for point tenderness zCheck CSM!!!

20 Sprained Thumb zVery common in basketball zsprain of the M-P joint at the base of the thumb

21 Sprained Thumb zSee physician, especially if there is pain going up through the wrist or the athlete is unable to pinch the thumb & forefinger together

22 Jammed Finger zSprain of the PIP joint zusually very painful but pain does not last zRICE z“buddy taping”

23 Dislocated Finger zObvious deformity, swelling, pain zsplint as is--do not try to reduce the dislocation! zRICE, CSM

24 Mallet Finger zCaused by a direct blow zextensor tendon of one of the distal phalanges is torn from the bone

25 Mallet Finger zTendon may pull off part of the bone (called an avulsion fracture)

26 Mallet Finger zThe athlete won’t be able to hold the finger straight; the finger will appear to be hanging zRICE, immediate transport to ER

27 Ripped Hands zCaused by severe calluses (common in gymnastics) zbest treatment is prevention!

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