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Kinetic and Potential Energy A Lesson Plan by Theresa L. Lemus Santos for OSCI – Physical Energy Due 2-11-06.

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Presentation on theme: "Kinetic and Potential Energy A Lesson Plan by Theresa L. Lemus Santos for OSCI – Physical Energy Due 2-11-06."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kinetic and Potential Energy A Lesson Plan by Theresa L. Lemus Santos for OSCI – Physical Energy Due 2-11-06

2 Pre-Assessment ● The pre-assessment activity was a matching quiz. The quiz consisted of 8 questions. The range of scores was 12%-75% correct. The mean score was 43% correct. The mode was 38% correct.

3 Introduction ● This was a teacher-centered instructional activity. The teacher holds up a ball and announces, “This is potential energy.” The teacher drops the ball and says, “That was kinetic energy.” The students then have to formulate their own definitions of potential and kinetic energy.

4 Activity #1 Energy in Everyday objects ● This was a student- centered activity. The students each brought in an object of their choice from home. They split into groups to present their item. Each student had to point out the when potential and kinetic energy occurred in each item.

5 Activity #2 Roller Coaster Energy ● This was a student- centered activity. The students split into two groups to build roller coasters. Each roller coaster had to have a minimum of two hills and two loops.

6 Activity #2 Roller Coaster Energy ● After the roller coasters were constructed, the students had to point out when kinetic and potential energy occurred in each coaster.

7 Review ● Each student was given a board with various graphics on it. The had to decide if the picture showed an energy transformation of “kinetic to potential” or “potential to kinetic.” They were able to check their answer and then list a description of how this energy transformation occurred

8 Post-Assessment ● The post-assessment activity was a game the students played in pairs. They recorded the questions they answered correctly and incorrectly. In order to assess this activity, the teacher took a grade on the amount the students answered correctly out of the total amount of questions answered. The scores ranged from 56%-100%. The mean score was 80%.

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