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Adult Life Group Announcements for 2-13-11. Send Praise and Prayer Requests to:

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1 Adult Life Group Announcements for 2-13-11

2 Send Praise and Prayer Requests to:

3 Love & Respect Conference We will be hosting the Love & Respect Marriage Conference on February 25th & 26th. Go to or to the booth in the atrium to register and to find out additional information.

4 True North Outfitters Join True North Outfitters as we cover information about the Concealed Handgun Licenses on February 17th. Marion Fonville, a licensed instructor, will be here talking about the issues related to laws and responsibilities. Be here at 7pm in FL-102.

5 Wednesday Nights Join other husbands and wives as we dig a little deeper into the Family Series, Opening the Door to a Healthy Family. On Wednesday nights husbands will study, “For the Honor of the Vow” taught by Robert Cossick in room KB-207. For more information on the book go to Wives can study the Marriage Project in room KB-205. Both are at 6:45pm.

6 Freedom Weekend Feb 18-20 Join other students as they worship, play, study with college leaders and crash in host homes together that weekend. Our speaker, RJ Holt, is coming all the way from California to challenge our students for the weekend. The Chris White Band is going to rock The Lodge as they lead our students in worship. Sign up now at or at the Student Ministry Office. Cost is $60 until February 6th; $75 afterwards. Registration closes Sunday, February 13th. Don’t miss Freedom Weekend 2011…you’ll leave Devoted

7 Student Ministry Golf Tour. Don’t miss this fun opportunity to help send students on mission by participating in the Student Ministry Golf Tournament on Monday, April 4th at Northgate Country Club. It always is a day of fun, fellowship and birdies!! If you are not a golfer, our students still need your help. For details on different sponsorship levels, visit or email

8 Gospel Lakes We are excited... the Spring day-camps for Gospel Lakes are just around the corner and will start in March! Here are the Camp dates that still need volunteers at this time. March 19, 26, April 9, 16, 23, May 14 If you, your Sunday School class, or your Group is interested in serving, please contact Robert Cossick at ASAP so we can get you on the schedule.

9 FAITH Evangelism Training If you'd like to learn to share your faith, lead someone to Christ, and help your Life Group grow and minister more effectively, then FAITH training is your next step of GROWTH. You will be assigned a team Leader who will help you every step of the way and model for you what to say and how to say it! Training will take place from 5:15- 7:15 pm each Sunday beginning February 13th. There is a $10.00 cost for all training materials. Childcare is provided by reservation. To register, visit or sign up in today's bulletin and place it in the offering basket.

10 Women’s Prayer Meetings Please come and join with other women as we seek the LORD in prayer for His Church, Our Nation and one another. We meet every Wednesday morning, 9-10am, in the Lodge for a corporate time of prayer. Also, Moms of Students, there is a time for you to join other mothers to pray for your children and our Student Ministry. Meet in the Student Building Prayer Room, 9-10am, on Thursday mornings. For more information, contact Raye Anne Edmonds 832.444.4251.

11 Volunteers Needed We are currently in need of Baptism Room Volunteers. If you are interested in serving in the baptism room on Sundays, please contact the Missions office at 281-440-3800.

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