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Identifying Your Dietary Needs. I. Reasons people eat Psychological a) Appetite - desire for food b) Loneliness/Boredom Physical - Hunger.

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying Your Dietary Needs. I. Reasons people eat Psychological a) Appetite - desire for food b) Loneliness/Boredom Physical - Hunger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying Your Dietary Needs

2 I. Reasons people eat Psychological a) Appetite - desire for food b) Loneliness/Boredom Physical - Hunger

3 II. Metabolism The means by which the body releases the energy in food and uses it to build and repair body tissue.

4 III. Basal Metabolism The amount of energy needed by the body when it is at rest to carry out basic life functions. Basal Metabolism is calculated in the following manner: Boys: Bodyweight / 2.2 x 24 x 1 = cal/day Girls: Bodyweight / 2.2 x 24 x 0.9 = cal/day * 1 and 0.9 are the calories burned per hour

5 IV. Caloric values Protein = 4 calories per gram Carbohydrate = 4 calories per gram Fat = 9 calories per gram

6 V. Weight Management Eat well-balanced, low fat meals. Eat no less than 1200 calories a day when trying to lose weight. Exercise daily. caloriesexercise Maintain weight calories exercise Lose Weight

7 VI. Obesity Boys: Being over 25% body fat. Girls : Being over 30% body fat. Obesity that is caused by overeating is considered to be an eating disorder.

8 VII. Anorexia Nervosa Severe weight loss distorted body image dry skin, brittle hair play with food excessive exercise loss of menstrual period

9 VIII. Bulimia Eat large amounts of food, then purge themselves by vomiting or using laxatives. Distorted body image. intense fear of being fat.

10 IX. Sports Nutrition Pregame meals should include: 1) nutrient-dense foods 2)water Stay away from candy and sodas. Drink plenty of water during practice and games.

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