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SubFinder and the Substitute Teacher... …substituting just got a whole lot easier!

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Presentation on theme: "SubFinder and the Substitute Teacher... …substituting just got a whole lot easier!"— Presentation transcript:

1 SubFinder and the Substitute Teacher... …substituting just got a whole lot easier!

2 SubFinder Substitute Training Topics 4 System Overview 4 Benefits to Substitutes 4 Job Numbers 4 Substitute Registration 4 When You Call SubFinder 4 When SubFinder Calls you 4 Points to Remember 4 Questions and Answers

3 What is SubFinder? 4 SubFinder is an Automated Voice Response System 4 Employees & Administrators report absences via touch-tone phones. 4 SubFinder will use both position matching (Skill List) and employee / administrator input (Preference List) to fill absences / jobs.

4 How Does SubFinder Benefit You? 4 SubFinder does not play favorites. 4 You can tell SubFinder when you want to work. Set your own schedule and review your current schedule at any time from anywhere. 4 You may be proactive and job shop. Schedule yourself for as many jobs as you wish.

5 Job Numbers 4 Each absence successfully reported is assigned a job number. 4 You will receive the same job number when you successfully accept the job. 4 Absence reports use job numbers for reference. 4 Jobs must be accessed by job number for review and cancellation. 4 MAKE SURE YOU TAKE NOTE OF YOUR JOB NUMBER.

6 Substitute Registration 4 You will access SubFinder using your PIN number. (Typically your SSN) 4 You will also be assigned an ID number, this number is generated by SubFinder and will be used by employees and administrators.  When you register you will: Record your name, review your personal information. Verify your phone number and days you are available.

7 The First Time You Call... Using a touch-tone phone, call SubFinder at [SubFinder main number goes here]. SubFinder will identify itself and ask you to enter your PIN (Personal Identification Number) followed by the # key. Typically, your PIN will be your Social Security Number. Enter your PIN using the touch pad of your telephone.

8 Reviewing Personal Information and Availability... Once you have recorded your name and accepted it, SubFinder will play your Main Menu. Please choose the option To Review Personal Information. Pay particular attention to options: 1 – To Review Your Phone Number. and 3 – To Review the Days of the Week You are Available to Work.

9 It’s That Quick and Easy... Congratulations, you are now registered.

10 Main Menu Options After you have registered you will be able to access the main menu. The main menu will offer the following options: Option #1 Review Current Assignments Option #2 Review Available Jobs Option #3 Canceling a Job Option #4 Review Personal Information

11 Review Current Assignments If you call SubFinder to Review Current Assignments, choose option #1. SubFinder will give you the details of the job/s you have already accepted.

12 Review Available Assignments Option #2. If your district has chosen to utilize this option you can call SubFinder to review jobs that are available. SubFinder will play the job/s that are currently available. You may review more than one job during a call. After each job is described you will be given the option to accept it, or hear other jobs. If you accept the job take note of the job number.

13 To Cancel A Job If you must cancel a job you have previously accepted, select option #3. SubFinder may ask for a cancellation reason. If you must cancel, do so as far in advance as possible, this will allow SubFinder to place another substitute into the job. If you do not cancel within 2 hrs of the job start time, you will be instructed to call the administrator at that site.

14 Reviewing Personal Information You can review and or change personal information at any time by selecting this option from the main menu. Use this option to hear your SubFinder ID number, change your availability, add or remove an Unavailable, add or remove a Do Not Disturb. The Unavailable option tells SubFinder that you are not available to work for a certain period of time, however you are still accepting calls for work. A Do Not Disturb tells SubFinder that you are not taking calls for a set period of time.

15 When SubFinder Calls You To Offer a Job... 4 You may listen to the job more than one time. 4 You could receive more than one call during a specific calling period.  SubFinder will also call to Cancel a Job.

16 Listening to the Job Offer... SubFinder will call and ask for your PIN followed by the pound sign (#), or press star (*) if you do not wish to receive any more calls during this calling period. If you chose to enter your PIN, followed by the pound sign SubFinder will describe an available job.

17 After You Accept the Job Offer... If you press 1 to accept the job, SubFinder will play the job information again and give you a JOB NUMBER.

18 When SubFinder Calls You To Cancel a Job... When a job has been canceled, SubFinder will call you with notification. You will hear “This is notification of a job cancellation”. Enter your PIN followed by the pound sign (#). SubFinder will play the information for the job that has been canceled, including the job number. To acknowledge the cancellationPress 1 To hear the cancellation againPress 2

19 Points to Remember 4 SubFinder must be accessed using a touch-tone phone. 4 Take your time and follow the narration. 4 When accepting a job, ALWAYS wait for the job number before leaving the system.

20 Points to Remember 4 If you must cancel, do so as early as possible. (Parameters are set within the system) If you try to cancel after the deadline you will be instructed to call your administrator. 4 Register as soon as possible!!! SubFinder can not offer you any jobs until you register.

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