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研究人员在现今全球研究体系中 面对的主要挑战 Boe Horton (Senior Vice President Research Solutions) 朱志坚 ( 总经理 - 大中华地区)

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Presentation on theme: "研究人员在现今全球研究体系中 面对的主要挑战 Boe Horton (Senior Vice President Research Solutions) 朱志坚 ( 总经理 - 大中华地区)"— Presentation transcript:

1 研究人员在现今全球研究体系中 面对的主要挑战 Boe Horton (Senior Vice President Research Solutions) 朱志坚 ( 总经理 - 大中华地区)

2 Agenda ProQuest Mission and Vision Highlights of three recent key studies on Researchers conducted by ProQuest –Graduate Student Study (n=604) –Global Researcher Workflow Study (n=903) –PQDT User Study (n=2525) Feedback for Librarians Supporting Researchers through Library Services from ProQuest

3 Our Mission and Vision Mission (目标) : ProQuest creates indispensable research solutions that connect people and information Vision (愿景) : ProQuest will be central to research around the world

4 Research Solutions Group Focused on providing tools and services that help researchers be more effective in the research process

5 Researcher Workflow Study Over 900 graduate students and faculty members participated in this research project. Major areas of study included social sciences, natural science, the medical field, engineering, computer sciences, education and the arts and humanities. BASE N = 923

6 Supporting the Research Process

7 支援研究工作

8 Challenges and difficulties affecting everyday work experience Q: How problematical have you found each of the following aspects of your everyday work experience..? Faculty members taking part in this study claim that getting funding on time proves “extremely difficult”. Other real challenges are finding time for writing articles etc. and the challenge of juggling teaching and research. BASE N = 806 NOTE: ONLY FACTORS EVALUATED AS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT BY AT LEAST 10% INDICATED TOPIC% SAYING EXTREMELY DIFFICULT FACULTY DOCTORAL MASTERS GETTING FUNDING ON TIME 24% 15% 14% SETTING ASIDE TIME FOR WRITING ETC 23% 16% 15% BALANCING PERSONAL/WORK LIVES 19% 17% 17% JUGGLING TEACHING/RESEARCH 21% 9% 12% TIME MANAGEMENT GENERALLY 13% 17% 10%

9 Feedback for Librarians Offer workshops periodically, not just on orientation days 定期提供培训 Hold library resource training every semester 每学期安排关于图书馆资源的培训 Need better library search engines as students do not know which databases/products to search 需要更好的检索平台 Better access to full text online journals; Also, want access to other people’s theses 更好地连结到全文期刊和其他人的学术论文

10 Feedback for Librarians (cont.) Cross searching across all available resources is needed… 需要跨资源的检索功能 Searchable PQDT database with full-text of dissertations 具有检索功能 PQDT 的论文全文数据库 Appointments with librarians especially at proposal and research stages 能与图书馆员约见,特别在论文选题和研究阶段 I collaborated with a university librarian and learned about several new tools and databases that made my research more effective 透过图书馆员学习一些工具和数据库,提升研究成效

11 Keeping informed about field of interest LEADING WAYS OF KEEPING INFORMED Q: How important is each of the following ways of keeping informed about your field of interest? Published databases are a leading source of information for keeping informed about developments in fields of interest. CHART INDICATES RATING 1 – 10: ONLY LEADING FOUR ASPECTS SHOWN

12 Keeping in touch MOST IMPORTANT MEANS OF KEEPING IN TOUCH Q: How important is each of these means of keeping in touch …? Person-to-person, E-mail is the dominant overall method of keeping in touch (other than social networking), more important than cell phones. Conferences and casual meetings also serve this purpose very well. BASE N = 871 CHART INDICATES RATING 1 – 10: FOUR LEADING METHODS SHOWN

13 Social networking resources MOST FREQUENTLY USED NETWORKING RESOURCES Q: What social networking resources do you use routinely … ? Facebook has assumed more importance than LinkedIn as a means of social networking among graduate students and faculty. BASE N = 470 CHART INDICATES PERCENTAGE USING : LEADING FOUR SHOWN.

14 14 PhD satisfaction with aspects of coursework Q: How satisfied are you with each of the following aspects of getting your coursework done? PhD candidates express a generally high level for satisfaction with all key aspects of getting coursework done. Similar profiles of satisfaction apply “across the board” of disciplines.

15 Learning of new developments in field of interest LEADING SOURCES SOURCE USED FIRST Q: Which sources do you use first to learn of new developments in your field? Which do you go to first? BASE N = 860. LEADING FOUR SOURCES SHOWN: BOX INDICATES % USING SOURCFIRST PEER REVIEW JOURNALS 72% PUBLISHED DATABASES 46% WEBSITES 38% PEERS 20% Peer review journals are, by a considerable margin still, the first “port of call” for learning about new developments in fields of interest.

16 Main sources for funding applications Q: When you applied for funding …. What were the first sources that you approached …? Government departments are the most-often cited sources for funding applications. Specialized databases- of which there are many cited - are also very important BASE N = 770

17 Importance of influences in preparing material for publication Q: When you are preparing material for eventual publication or peer review, how important to you is each of the following influences BASE N = 823 CHART INDICATES RATING 1 - 10

18 支援研究工作

19 China Team

20 Contact 与我们联系 朱江 – 中国首席代表 Tel: (10) 58733098

21 Invitation 邀请 欢迎各位光临参加: 1 ) 5 月 13 日晚宴:亢龙太子酒轩 2 ) 5 月 14 日下午 3 点:用户座谈咨询会 谢谢!

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