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Could blow your mind.  Do you know what assistive technology is?  Any examples come to mind?  Do you know anyone who used assistive technology?

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Presentation on theme: "Could blow your mind.  Do you know what assistive technology is?  Any examples come to mind?  Do you know anyone who used assistive technology?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Could blow your mind

2  Do you know what assistive technology is?  Any examples come to mind?  Do you know anyone who used assistive technology?

3  Technology used by individuals with disabilities in order to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible to do on their own.  Disabilities can extend from loss of the five senses to limited physical and mental functions.  This definition was set by Tech Act of 1988 and was amended in 1998 to be called Assistive Technology Act.

4  Hardware and software specifically designed to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities. 

5 High TechLow tech  Laptops (Benefit students with Cerebral Palsy that can’t write, children with hearing problems can read text, blind children can have text read to them.)  Franklin Language Master and PowerPoint. (Used with Autistic students and those with hearing disorders to help them learn and retain a vocabulary)  Specialized software in general. (There are programs to aid almost any disability from text readers, specialized keyboards, voice to text converters and so on.)  Braille textbooks  Paper with raised lines  Pencil grips  Page turners  Book holders  Calculators

6 Just a few of the many items considered assistive technology.

7  Today Assistive Technology has become a major part of many schools and for many reasons. (No there are not more disabled people) ◦ The No Child Left Behind Act. (States that every student be given the same opportunities, shares the same views as the IDEIA on disabilities) ◦ The Assistive Technology Act of 1998 (Makes AT funding separate from other school funds and helps pay for devices and services required for learning.) ◦ Individuals with Disabilities Education and Improvement Act of 2004. (Students with disabilities are required by law to receive devices and services that are beneficial to their ability to learn the same curriculum as other students.) ◦ Technology is advancing faster than ever, new doors are opened daily.

8  There are many benefits of Assistance Technology, these are but a few. ◦ Allows students to learn in more than one spectrum. ◦ Allows the disabled to receive the same education. ◦ Learn multiple things at once. (Computers, technology in general with lessons) ◦ Shown to reduce anxiety in the learning environment.

9  Like most good things there are always negatives as well ◦ Assistance Technology can be expensive, leaving poorer inner city schools with outdated or no equipment at all. Distracting to other students. Equipment malfunctions

10  So what is your opinion on Assistive technology?  Should students with disabilities be put in “special” classes? Why or why not?  Should teachers of all fields be trained to assist students with special needs?  Would you be distracted by a student using Assistive technology?  Do you think that you should have a disability to use assistive technology in the classroom?

11  McCoog, I. (2007). Integrated Instruction: Multiple Intelligences and Technology. Clearing House, 81(1), 25-28. Abstract retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.  Davies, P. (2010). On school educational technology leadership. Management in Education (Sage Publications Inc.), 24(2), 55-61. doi:10.1177/0892020610363089. http://0-  Liu, R. (2010). Psychological research in educational technology in China. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(4), 593-606. doi:10.1111/j.1467- 8535.2010.01088.x.  Shraman, R. (2010). The Challenges and Opportunities in the Existence of Internet as Rapid Mass Media and for Education. Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Educational Sciences Series, 62(1A), 6-12. Abstract retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. http://0-  Selwyn, N., & Husen, O. (2010). The educational benefits of technological competence: an investigation of students' perceptions. Evaluation & Research in Education, 23(2), 137-141. doi:10.1080/09500790.2010.483515. http://0-

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