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From the Beginning Design Standards and Other Post-Construction Program Elements.

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Presentation on theme: "From the Beginning Design Standards and Other Post-Construction Program Elements."— Presentation transcript:

1 From the Beginning Design Standards and Other Post-Construction Program Elements

2 Post-Construction BMPs Long term BMPs that help protect runoff throughout the life of the completed project

3 Impervious Area More runoff, More Pollutants

4 Post Construction Goals Water Quality Goals –Reduce impervious area –Limit pollutant exposure –Diminish pollutant transport Program Goals –Process to ensure that “Water Quality Goals” are met

5 Program Ordinance requiring developers to incorporate post construction BMPs Strategy of BMPs Enforcement of ordinance Long-term operation and maintenance of BMPs

6 Ordinance Model Ordinance – –Model Urban Runoff Program Reference to separate document

7 BMP Strategy Site and watershed conditions –constraints –topography –areas to utilize Pollutants of concern –303(d) list –pollutants expected to be present Options Sizing

8 BMPs Site Design Source Control Treatment

9 Site Design Minimize building footprint Cluster development (leaving more useful open space) Minimize directly connected impervious areas (DCIA) –direct roof downspouts to landscape areas Protect slopes and channels Aquatic buffers

10 Source Control Outdoor material storage areas Trash enclosures Equipment wash areas

11 Treatment Vegetated swales Detention basins Constructed wetlands

12 Requirements Attachment 4 - Design Standards Conserve Natural Areas Limit Directly Connected Impervious Area Parking Lots Restaurants Retail Gasoline Outlets Vehicle Equipment Wash Areas Storage Volume Treatment Flow

13 Enforcement Site Plan Review –Checklist Site Inspection –As part of final approval

14 Maintenance Legal agreements Conditional use permits Homeowner’s association Conditions, covenants, and restrictions Databases Inspections checklists


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