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Supporting Your Copyright Needs August 23, 2012. Library Copyright Team Emily Bullitt x5604 Martha Burk

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Your Copyright Needs August 23, 2012. Library Copyright Team Emily Bullitt x5604 Martha Burk"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Your Copyright Needs August 23, 2012

2 Library Copyright Team Emily Bullitt x5604 Martha Burk x4988 Dee Stonberg x4391

3 Copyright Video From

4 Is the article available through the library? Yes Is it an HBR article? No Use the link generator and post the link!link generator Yes Follow the online instructions for HBR articlesonline instructions No Is this an article you found and want to assign at the last minute? YesPost a scanned copy on BB No Contact the LCT to obtain permission if possible I want my students to read an article

5 I want to show a video How do you want to show a video? In Class Go ahead and show it! On Blackboard Usually requires permission, contact a member of the LCT Outside of Class to the campus at large Usually requires performance rights, contact a member of the LCT

6 Four Factors of Fair Use Is the work relevant to the curriculum? Is it factual or fictional? Is it a substantial portion of the original? What is the impact on the marketability of the work?

7 Scenario 1 A professor wanted to post a chapter from The War of Words: Language, Politics and 9/11, which represented more than 25% of the book. The library did not own a copy of this book. We were able to secure copyright permissions to scan the professor’s copy of the book. The library paid: 18 students x 29 pages @$.25/page = $130.50

8 Scenario 2 A professor wanted to post a scanned copy of an essay by Freud on an AHF Blackboard course. The library owned a copy of the book that contained the essay. We put the library copy on reserve and purchased two additional copies to ensure that students would have access to the text as needed.

9 Scenario 3 A professor wanted to post a copy of a short story from The New Yorker to her Rhetoric A Blackboard page. The article was not available through our databases even though The New Yorker as a whole is available. We were able to secure copyright permissions for the print version of the story. Although the professor had an electronic copy from the New Yorker website, we scanned the print version in order to comply with the terms of our order with CCC.

10 Scenario 4 A professor wanted to use 2-3 very short (1-2 minutes) video clips from It’s a Wonderful Life (total 5-6 minutes) for a masters class at an external organization ( LTC found where to obtain permission to use the film, but because it was not for Babson curricular use, the professor had to contact Swank and personally pay for the use.

11 Scenario 5 A student offered to make copies of a required film that he had downloaded from an outside source. The professor contacted the library to ask if this were legal. This is not legal. Since we owned a copy of the film, we placed it on reserve at the library.

12 Scenario 6 Two days before Fast Track sessions started, a professor found that the articles from the Harvard Negotiation Newsletter were no longer available on EBSCOhost. They needed these articles immediately. We obtained permission from Harvard for these articles but it cost the Fast Track several hundred dollars for just the first class. It was determined that use of these articles by the various classes scheduled for the semester would amount to over $9000. We negotiated with Harvard to gain a site license for access to this newsletter at a cost of $1500/year.

13 Resources Stanford Copyright & Fair Use Center Horn Library copyright page – under constructioncopyright page Library Copyright Team!

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