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Created By: Jenise Bernier, Alexanna Cruz, Danielle Collins-Napoli, Nicolette Gallo, & Dominique Wells.

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Presentation on theme: "Created By: Jenise Bernier, Alexanna Cruz, Danielle Collins-Napoli, Nicolette Gallo, & Dominique Wells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created By: Jenise Bernier, Alexanna Cruz, Danielle Collins-Napoli, Nicolette Gallo, & Dominique Wells

2 Background Justin Bieber became a ruler in Alaska after slaying Goliath II with the sling. Once he had a taste of power, he wanted to take over the world. He accomplished this by the help of his Bieber Bots, which were robots disguised as teenage girls. They would insert chips into people’s brains that made everyone instantly love him and listen to whatever he said whenever they heard one of his songs. This army of Bieber Bots helped him take over the whole world very quickly.

3 Environment Everyone is given a piece of paper telling them what side of the world they will live on when they are born. On one side of the world it is always sunny, no matter what season and on the other it is always dark and gloomy. You have no say in what side you will live on.

4 Government Type: Absolute Monarchy People no longer had the right to vote. They could not go against or have any disagreement with what Justin believed was right. Everyone, sooner or later, gets brainwashed and are controlled over. To go against him meant you were committing a crime and automatically would be sent to “The Island of Disbeliebers.”

5 Say This Pledge “Everyone is equal, everyone is free, but if I don’t follow the laws – I won’t be.”

6 Laws Bieber Rights Included: Everyone must be married by the age of 18 whether or not its true love. No divorces are allowed - NO exceptions. Everyone must wear the purple uniform everyday. All guys must have the famous Justin Bieber hair cut. - If someone has short hair or not the right hair type, one must wear a wig of the Bieber hair cut. Never say “Never” And most importantly, everyone has to be a Belieber.

7 Laws (continued) If you don’t follow the laws you will be sent to an isolated island called, “The Island of Disbeliebers.” You are not allowed to do anything there and if you even think about trying to escape, you will be killed by a Bieber Bot; they can hear anyone’s thoughts.

8 Economy Luxurious, from Justin’s point of view A lot of wealth Everyone is paid equally, but very little - no matter what occupation one has Usually the economy is very stable Sometimes declines rapidly and suddenly JB does not like helping his people with their money problems but he does when he needs to get the economy back up and running

9 Occupations All occupations must have something to do with the arts. If one has a normal job, such as a doctor, they have to have a part-time job that deals with the arts. (art teacher, producer, etc.) If one does not have the ability or talent to have a job dealing with any type of art, then they are sent away to “The Island of Disbeliebers.” As stated before, everyone is paid equally.

10 Social Classes

11 Conflicts Conflicts include: No originality, since everyone has to wear the same thing. No one goes over the age of 21 and no one dies unless killed by a Bieber Bot. Women are only allowed to have 2 children, due to overpopulation. No privacy since the Bieber Bots could read anyone’s mind.

12 Society No one has a name in our society, everyone is assigned a number when they are born; this is how one is identified. There are no regular schools, only schools of performing arts. - Any form of art is taken very seriously. Justin Bieber has his own holiday, which is March 1 st (the day he took over the world,) there are many celebrations and everyone must participate. - If one does not, then they are sent to “The Island of Disbeliebers.”


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