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Module 4 Personal Money Management. Learning Outcomes  4.1 Explored attitude towards money  4.2 Identified sources of income  4.3 Identified expenditure.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 4 Personal Money Management. Learning Outcomes  4.1 Explored attitude towards money  4.2 Identified sources of income  4.3 Identified expenditure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 4 Personal Money Management

2 Learning Outcomes  4.1 Explored attitude towards money  4.2 Identified sources of income  4.3 Identified expenditure  4.4 Identified how to budget effectively  4.5 Researched credit and debt  4.6 Explored financial goal setting

3 How good are you with money?

4 Why young people need to become better money managers video  ch?v=JOt3Apl7qBA ch?v=JOt3Apl7qBA

5 Income  Gross  Net  Payslips  Tax

6 Expenditure  Now that you have worked out what money you have coming in it is time to start thinking about your outgoings.

7 Essential and Non-essential Spending  Some spending is essential. This includes the basics such as food, fuel bills, rent or other housing costs.  Can you work out your non-essential spending?

8 Budgeting  Steps in managing money include identifying the amount of income available and the expenses that need to be covered, and prioritising short and long term goals. Individuals, households, government, businesses, and other organizations all budget with these ideas in mind.

9 Credit and Debt  Almost everyone borrows money at some time. Borrowing can be a real help in managing household income. It can help to deal with emergencies or unexpected events.  Borrowing can however, be a risk, particularly for people on low incomes

10 Financial Goal Setting

11 Learning Outcomes  4.1 Explored attitude towards money  4.2 Identified sources of income  4.3 Identified expenditure  4.4 Identified how to budget effectively  4.5 Researched credit and debt  4.6 Explored financial goal setting

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