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AIM ACR Prioritization AIM ACR Prioritization 23 Aug 11 Jake Aplanalp, AIM Pgm Mgr Ron Zinnato, AIM Lead Engineer Jamie Stewart, AIM Lead ISD.

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Presentation on theme: "AIM ACR Prioritization AIM ACR Prioritization 23 Aug 11 Jake Aplanalp, AIM Pgm Mgr Ron Zinnato, AIM Lead Engineer Jamie Stewart, AIM Lead ISD."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM ACR Prioritization AIM ACR Prioritization 23 Aug 11 Jake Aplanalp, AIM Pgm Mgr Ron Zinnato, AIM Lead Engineer Jamie Stewart, AIM Lead ISD

2 Overview Results from Feb 11 FRB ACRs already funded New ACRs Bugzilla

3 Results from Feb 11 FRB Approximately 115 ACRs prioritized Rated 1 - 5 Highest Priority – 5 AIM I ACRs (2 already done/funded) – 2 AIM II ACRs (2 already done/funded) – 5 Combined AIM I/II ACRs (4 already done/funded) – 10 CPM/LOM ACRs (8 already done/funded)

4 Results from Feb 11 FRB AIM I ACRs –ACR 24 – No System or User maintenance records are generated in COI of course –ACR 116 – Modification TPPs should automatically update the TCCD upon approval

5 Results from Feb 11 FRB AIM I ACRs (cont’d) –ACR 158 Recently we ran into an issue where a TPS was approved without all of its associated TPC’s. This occurs during a course import when the user is able to select “Import only originating TPC”. I would like to recommend that this option not pop up default. Let it be a check box in Preferences. As I understand from Steve, this option was put in to support some sites that have multiple locations working on a course, but each location only covers one TPC in a TPS. The problem we have is that if a user imports a course that has a TPS with multiple TPC, but the course only uses one of the TPC, and they choose the option to only import originating, then approve the TPS as a part of approving the course, we end up with a TPS that is incompatible across courses. If this option did not pop up, but defaulted to importing all TPC’s, this would solve our issue, and by putting an option into preferences to have it pop up for those who need or use this feature, nothing changes for them.

6 Results from Feb 11 FRB AIM II ACRs – All either done or funded Combined AIM I/II ACR –ACR 159 – AIM does not create the mandatory “How to Use Your Trainee Guide” page as required in NAVEDTRA 130/131

7 Results from Feb 11 FRB CPM/LOM ACRs – ACR 166 – Add support to update Section content using the No-Change Change capability like AIM I – ACR 167 - Add 'Select Later IETM' functionality in the LO Module to update your Section's IETM links with a later version of an IETM without having to reselect nodes

8 Already Funded ACRs ACR 6 – Allow movement of Tasks between Duties ACR 54 – Create/print list of all RRLs by category ACR 79 – Allow option to “ignore” CMS ACR 83 – Allow copying of a DP from one Topic to another ACR 129 – Classification markings

9 Already Funded ACRs ACR 180 – CeTARS/CMS Working Group ACR –Encompasses ACRs: 28, 65, 72, 87, 96, 97, 118, 130, 138, 152, 156, 165 ACR 181 – CPM Gatekeeper ACR

10 New ACRs ACRs received since last FRB meeting 7 AIM I/II ACRs 26 CPM/LOM ACRs See separate list Prioritization of new ACRs back to AIM SSO by 30 September

11 Bugzilla ACR Tracking System URL is Anyone can go in and view status or add ACRs PLEASE use for ACRs only. Do not add “bugs”

12 Questions?

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