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Responsibility “I must do something" always solves more problems than "Something must be done."

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Presentation on theme: "Responsibility “I must do something" always solves more problems than "Something must be done.""— Presentation transcript:

1 Responsibility “I must do something" always solves more problems than "Something must be done."

2 DRESS CODE All headwear off at the door. All headwear off at the door. Midriff & chest area must be covered! Midriff & chest area must be covered! Undergarments must not be visible. Undergarments must not be visible. No spandex tops or bottoms or similar No spandex tops or bottoms or similar tight clothing tight clothing No strapless tops. No strapless tops. Sleepwear of any kind is prohibited. Sleepwear of any kind is prohibited. Outdoor attire is prohibited. Outdoor attire is prohibited.

3 DRESS CODE (cont.) Clothing with vulgar, obscene, or degrading comments/messages that offend others on the account of race, color, religious creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability will not be allowed. Clothing with vulgar, obscene, or degrading comments/messages that offend others on the account of race, color, religious creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability will not be allowed. Items promoting drugs, alcohol, tobacco or other illegal acts will not be allowed. Items promoting drugs, alcohol, tobacco or other illegal acts will not be allowed. Posterior messages of any kind are not acceptable. Posterior messages of any kind are not acceptable. Shorts/skirts must be at least finger-tip length (hands fully extended at sides). Shorts/skirts must be at least finger-tip length (hands fully extended at sides). Ripped/cut-up pants that reveal undergarments or show skin in an area that is out of compliance with the finger-length rule are prohibited. Ripped/cut-up pants that reveal undergarments or show skin in an area that is out of compliance with the finger-length rule are prohibited.

4 Book Bags Keep in lockers. You may carry nylon string bags for gym clothes directly to and from physical education class only. Keep in lockers. You may carry nylon string bags for gym clothes directly to and from physical education class only.

5 Electronic Devices Must be off and out of sight until 4:00 PM. Best place to keep them is in your lockers. Must be off and out of sight until 4:00 PM. Best place to keep them is in your lockers.

6 BUSES Riding the bus is a privilege. Your bus privileges can and will be revoked for bad behavior. Riding the bus is a privilege. Your bus privileges can and will be revoked for bad behavior.

7 BIKES All bicycles should be locked at all times. Do not give your key or combination to anyone!!! Walk bikes on premises. All bicycles should be locked at all times. Do not give your key or combination to anyone!!! Walk bikes on premises.

8 SKATEBOARDS/ROLLERBLADES NO skateboarding or rollerblading on campus. NO skateboarding or rollerblading on campus. Skateboards and rollerblades should be carried into the building and immediately placed in your locker. Skateboards and rollerblades should be carried into the building and immediately placed in your locker.

9 HALLWAY BEHAVIOR WALK in the building in an orderly fashion and exhibit proper behavior in the hallways, cafeteria and auditorium at all times.

10 Keep voices down while traveling in halls, especially on the way to and from lunch while classes are in session. Keep voices down while traveling in halls, especially on the way to and from lunch while classes are in session. Keep to the right in the hallways and stairwells. Do not run or engage in horseplay in halls/stairwells. This is for the safety of everyone. Keep to the right in the hallways and stairwells. Do not run or engage in horseplay in halls/stairwells. This is for the safety of everyone.

11 CAFETERIA The cafeteria is a privilege. In order to utilize this privilege, the following rules must be followed……………………

12 CAFETERIA (CONT.) Students are to keep the area where they eat clean so that others may use the same area later. Students are to keep the area where they eat clean so that others may use the same area later. Students must remain seated until dismissal. No wandering from table to table. Students must remain seated until dismissal. No wandering from table to table. Students are to follow the instructions of the monitors, teachers, and cafeteria staff at all times while at lunch. Students are to follow the instructions of the monitors, teachers, and cafeteria staff at all times while at lunch. Monitors will have students clear trays/trash, etc. by table. Monitors will have students clear trays/trash, etc. by table.


14 Dignity for All Students Act Dignity for All Students Act No student shall be subjected to harassment by employees or students on school property or at a school function; nor shall any student be subjected to discrimination based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (including gender identity or expression), or sex by school employees or students on school property or at a school function. No student shall be subjected to harassment by employees or students on school property or at a school function; nor shall any student be subjected to discrimination based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (including gender identity or expression), or sex by school employees or students on school property or at a school function.

15 Cyber bullying is the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices to torment, threaten, harass, humiliate, embarrass or otherwise target another. is the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices to torment, threaten, harass, humiliate, embarrass or otherwise target another.

16 How Does Bullying Feel How Does Bullying Feel 6 th Grade How Does Bullying Feel To This Day To This Day 7-8 th Grade To This Day

17 …any device (real or fake) that can cause physical injury or death on school/district property. …any device (real or fake) that can cause physical injury or death on school/district property. Weapons

18 Fighting  Students who fight could face a 5-day out of school suspension and possibly a superintendent’s hearing.  The school may file a police report and either press charges for disorderly conduct or assault depending on the circumstances. Reports will be investigated by the police and they will make a decision as to the charges.

19 If a CHILD… Yells at someone Pushes someone Teases someone Insults someone Picks on someone Kicks someone Threatens someone Puts down someone Then That child is a … BULLY!!!

20 Kenmore Police Department: 716-875-1234 Town of Tonawanda Police: 716-876-5300

21 Thank You

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