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Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality Conference “Building on Water “ Jakarta, Indonesia April 9 th 2013 Ing. Jan Willem Roël.

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Presentation on theme: "Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality Conference “Building on Water “ Jakarta, Indonesia April 9 th 2013 Ing. Jan Willem Roël."— Presentation transcript:

1 Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality Conference “Building on Water “ Jakarta, Indonesia April 9 th 2013 Ing. Jan Willem Roël

2 FlexBase is a product of Kingspan Unidek Kingspan Unidek is the largest producer of EPS in Europe Kingspan Unidek is a member of the international Kingspan Group Plc. Kingspan is a global provider of high performance, sustainable building products and solutions for the international property and construction industry Stock Exchange (London en Dublin) Turnover € 1.300 million and 5.700 Employees Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality April 9th - 2013Conference Building on Water, Jakarta2

3  EPS and Concrete  Building directly on water  Flexible in shape and size  Unsinkable  Application in shallow water  Durable  Maintenance free  For every floating purpose Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality Concept April 9th - 2013Conference Building on Water, Jakarta3

4 Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality April 9th - 2013Conference Building on Water, Jakarta4 1000 m² 880 + 575 m²

5 Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality April 9th - 2013Conference Building on Water, Jakarta5

6 Floating Pavilion “Netherlands Water Centre” Rijnhaven, Rotterdam Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality April 9th - 2013Conference Building on Water, Jakarta6

7 Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality Floating helicopter Maintenance building Kalimantan, 12 x 36 m² April 9th - 2013Conference Building on Water, Jakarta7 Floating house Hamburg

8 Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality Floating cultivation April 9th - 2013Conference Building on Water, Jakarta 8 Floating soccer fields

9 Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality April 9th - 2013Conference Building on Water, Jakarta9 Berlin, Tegel – 12 floating homes

10 Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality April 9th - 2013Conference Building on Water, Jakarta10 Floating Hotel Floating Restaurant

11 Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality April 9th - 2013 Conference Building on Water, Jakarta 11 Realized with FlexBase  In total more as 5000 m² of floating objects  Within or outside the levy  Different loading patterns: Number of persons Wind and waves Different types of anchoring Load of a bridge Cellar in - or excluded

12 Large scale floating foundations, a dream or reality April 9th - 2013Conference Building on Water, Jakarta12 Terima kasih Thank you for your attention!

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