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Chapter 4 The God Who Reveals Religion 6 2009-2010

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1 Chapter 4 The God Who Reveals Religion 6 2009-2010

2 Chapter 4 Review: With a partner, jot down some answers to this question based on what you learned in chapters 1-3 “How do we know that God exists?”


4 Homework Read p. 42-43 Read p. 42-43 What are the three convincing arguments that God exists? What are the three convincing arguments that God exists? –In your notebook, list and briefly describe each one

5 Reason Reason: the ability we (humans) have to figure things out - using our intelligence to understand and make sense

6 Three Arguments to help prove God’s existence The First Cause The First Cause The Great Designer The Great Designer The Unmoved Mover The Unmoved Mover

7 The First Cause “nothing is caused by itself” “nothing is caused by itself”

8 The Great Designer The universe did not happen by chance, but had an intelligent designer (God) The universe did not happen by chance, but had an intelligent designer (God)

9 The Unmoved Mover The universe is constantly in motion and evolving The universe is constantly in motion and evolving God is the first mover God is the first mover

10 Homework Due February 1 or 2, 2010 Read p. 44-45 Complete worksheet from Net classroom worksheet

11 Homework Due February.3 or 4, 2010 Read p.46-47 Read p.46-47 In your notebook, under each bold faced heading, list (about 2-3 points each) what you think are the key ideas for: In your notebook, under each bold faced heading, list (about 2-3 points each) what you think are the key ideas for: God the Creator God the Creator Interpreting Creation Interpreting Creation Faith and Science Faith and Science

12 Key Ideas p.46-47 God the Creator God the Creator Interpreting Creation Interpreting Creation Faith and Science Faith and Science

13 Key Ideas p.46-47 God the creator God the creator Interpreting creation Interpreting creation Faith and Science Faith and Science


15 Four Attributes (Characteristics of God) p.48-49 Omni- comes from Latin word omnis which means “all” Eternal Eternal Omnipotent Omnipotent Omniscient Omniscient Omnipresent Omnipresent

16 Four Attributes of God God Omniscient Omnipresent Eternal Omnipotent

17 Eternal God is eternal: He always was and always will be. God is eternal: He always was and always will be. God is not subject to time (time is measurable with a before and after) God is not subject to time (time is measurable with a before and after) Time is a part of creation, but God is above creation Time is a part of creation, but God is above creation

18 Omnipotent ( almighty ) God can do all things God can do all things But God cannot do the impossible (make a square circle) But God cannot do the impossible (make a square circle) He is perfect and cannot do anything against his perfection He is perfect and cannot do anything against his perfection Therefore he cannot commit a sin Therefore he cannot commit a sin

19 Omniscient (all-knowing) God knows everything past, present and future God knows everything past, present and future God’s knowledge of events does not control our choices, we still have free will God’s knowledge of events does not control our choices, we still have free will

20 Omnipresent ( all-present ) God is everywhere God is everywhere He created everything and keeps it all in existence He created everything and keeps it all in existence God is not limited by space God is not limited by space

21 Miracles 1. What are miracles? 2. What does the Church teach about miracles?

22 Miracles 1. What are miracles? 2. What does the Church teach about miracles?

23 Testing 1, 2, 3… 1. We see God reflected in the universe around us. Reason tells us that God exists based on the three great arguments for God: He is the First Cause, The Great Designer, and the Unmoved Mover. 2. Reason alone cannot answer all of our questions about God. It is necessary for God to reveal himself to us and to show his existence.

24 Testing 1, 2, 3… 3. The writers of Genesis wanted to make it clear to people that there is one and only God, who existed before everything and brought everything else into existence. 4. When we say that God is eternal we mean that God lives outside of time because He created time. He has no beginning or end.

25 Testing 1, 2, 3… 5. It means god is omniscient. Because God is eternal, He knows everything in the past, present and future

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