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Introduction to collaborative working. Workshop objectives  To explore the context and drivers for collaboration  To identify the benefits, challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to collaborative working. Workshop objectives  To explore the context and drivers for collaboration  To identify the benefits, challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to collaborative working

2 Workshop objectives  To explore the context and drivers for collaboration  To identify the benefits, challenges and things that can help  To explore structures and written agreements  To enable you to make informed decisions about whether it suits your situation

3 What is collaborative working?

4 What is collaboration? Merger Informal networks Joint projects

5 Drivers  Government  Public opinion  Charity Commission  Funders  Recession  Expectation

6 Key changes in public services  Gershon Review of Public Sector Efficiency (2004)  DCLG’s Creating Strong, Safe & Prosperous Communities (2008)  Social Exclusion Task Force  World Class Commissioning  DWP Commissioning Strategy (2008)  Best Value

7 Benefits of collaborating

8 Benefits  New or improved services  Knowledge & information sharing  More efficient use of resources  Sharing risk in new projects  Stronger, united voice  Better co-ordination of activities Enabling a better service for beneficiaries

9 Obstacles and challenges to collaborative working

10 Obstacles  Personalities  Lack of resources  Competition  Cultural difference  Lack of information and experience  Resistance to change

11 What can help?

12 Things that can help  Trust and commitment  Early agreement  Recognition of different strengths  Open, honest communication  Steering group  Compatible cultures  Vision

13 Structures for collaborative working

14 Structures  New legal body  Lead organisation  External non-delivering lead

15 Joint working agreements  Clarify the project  Define roles and commitments  Process of writing  Reference document

16 Joint working agreements – what to include  Introduction  Roles and responsibilities  Costs and assets  Monitoring and evaluation  Communication and meetings  Branding and logos  Exit strategy

17 Considerations for merger

18 When might a merger be considered?  Very similar aims and objectives  Complementary activities  Rescue or survival  Increased efficiency  Funding of projects

19 Benefits  Improved services to beneficiaries  Economies of scale  Reduction of confusion and duplication for supporters  Knowledge sharing

20 Barriers  Staff dissatisfaction  Culture clash  Brand confusion  Loss of identity  Trustee board integration  Cost  Doubts whether merger is in the best interests of beneficiaries

21 Key things to consider  Existing funding  TUPE  Planning and communication  Working group  Merging Boards  Interim arrangements

22 Structures  Full merger  New organisation  Existing structure  Group structure

23 What to look for  Previous history  Mission match  Resources – stable and sustainable  Reputation and reach  Good governance

24 Deal Breakers  Weak business case  Incompatible objects  New board & Chief Executive  Name and structure of new organisation  Different organisational cultures  Pensions  IT systems  Properties  Restricted funding

25 Due Diligence  Financial (e.g. financial history or accounting systems)  Legal (e.g. governing documents or contracts of employment)  Strategic and operational (e.g. organisational culture or IT systems)

26 Is it right for your situation?

27 Email: Tel: 020 7520 2440 Resources

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