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WHI.03 Quiz Review Answer Key. 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Writing Style Important Rulers.

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Presentation on theme: "WHI.03 Quiz Review Answer Key. 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Writing Style Important Rulers."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHI.03 Quiz Review Answer Key

2 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Writing Style Important Rulers Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Innovations

3 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Writing Style Important Rulers Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Innovations

4 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Writing Style Cuneiform Important Rulers Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Innovations

5 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Writing Style Cuneiform Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Innovations

6 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Writing Style Cuneiform Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Innovations

7 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Writing Style Cuneiform Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60

8 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Writing Style Cuneiform Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60

9 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphics Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60

10 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphics Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Menes Ramses II Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60

11 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphics Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Menes Ramses II Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Polytheistic Ra Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60

12 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphics Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Menes Ramses II Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Polytheistic Ra Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60 1. geometry 2. calendar 3. take heart rate 4. fix broken bones 5. surgery

13 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Indus and Ganges Unp. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphics Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Menes Ramses II Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Polytheistic Ra Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60 1. geometry 2. calendar 3. take heart rate 4. fix broken bones 5. surgery

14 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Indus and Ganges Unp. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphicsPictures Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Menes Ramses II Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Polytheistic Ra Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60 1. geometry 2. calendar 3. take heart rate 4. fix broken bones 5. surgery

15 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Indus and Ganges Unp. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphicsPictures Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Menes Ramses II No Rulers Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Polytheistic Ra Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60 1. geometry 2. calendar 3. take heart rate 4. fix broken bones 5. surgery

16 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Indus and Ganges Unp. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphicsPictures Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Menes Ramses II No Rulers Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Polytheistic Ra Polytheistic Shiva Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60 1. geometry 2. calendar 3. take heart rate 4. fix broken bones 5. surgery

17 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Indus and Ganges Unp. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphicsPictures Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Menes Ramses II No Rulers Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Polytheistic Ra Polytheistic Shiva Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60 1. geometry 2. calendar 3. take heart rate 4. fix broken bones 5. surgery 1. cities in grid formation 2. plumbing and sewage

18 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Indus and Ganges Unp. Huang He and Yangtze Unp. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphicsPictures Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Menes Ramses II No Rulers Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Polytheistic Ra Polytheistic Shiva Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60 1. geometry 2. calendar 3. take heart rate 4. fix broken bones 5. surgery 1. cities in grid formation 2. plumbing and sewage

19 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Indus and Ganges Unp. Huang He and Yangtze Unp. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphicsPicturesCharacteristics Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Menes Ramses II No Rulers Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Polytheistic Ra Polytheistic Shiva Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60 1. geometry 2. calendar 3. take heart rate 4. fix broken bones 5. surgery 1. cities in grid formation 2. plumbing and sewage

20 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Indus and Ganges Unp. Huang He and Yangtze Unp. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphicsPicturesCharacteristics Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Menes Ramses II No RulersXia Dynasty Shang Dynasty Zhou Dynasty Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Polytheistic Ra Polytheistic Shiva Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60 1. geometry 2. calendar 3. take heart rate 4. fix broken bones 5. surgery 1. cities in grid formation 2. plumbing and sewage

21 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Indus and Ganges Unp. Huang He and Yangtze Unp. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphicsPicturesCharacteristics Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Menes Ramses II No RulersXia Dynasty Shang Dynasty Zhou Dynasty Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Polytheistic Ra Polytheistic Shiva Polytheistic Shang Di Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60 1. geometry 2. calendar 3. take heart rate 4. fix broken bones 5. surgery 1. cities in grid formation 2. plumbing and sewage

22 1. Fill in the following chart. MesopotamiaEgyptIndiaChina Rivers (names) Flooding (U or P) Tigris and Euphrates Unp. Nile Pred. Indus and Ganges Unp. Huang He and Yangtze Unp. Writing Style CuneiformHieroglyphicsPicturesCharacteristics Important Rulers Sargon Hammurabi Menes Ramses II No RulersXia Dynasty Shang Dynasty Zhou Dynasty Type of Religion (poly or mono) and Main God Polytheistic Enlil Polytheistic Ra Polytheistic Shiva Polytheistic Shang Di Innovations 1. Wheel 2. sail 3. plow 4. number system based off 60 1. geometry 2. calendar 3. take heart rate 4. fix broken bones 5. surgery 1. cities in grid formation 2. plumbing and sewage 1. silk 2. bronze and iron skills 3. coined money

23 2. is the fertile soil which is left after flood waters recede. Silt

24 3. Define dynasty - A series of rulers from a single family.

25 4. Define cultural diffusion The process of a new idea or a product spreading from one culture to another

26 5. was one of the first pieces of literature ever written about a god-king searching for immortality. The Epic of Gilgamesh

27 6. Who created the world’s first empire? Sargon of Akkad

28 7. came up with a law code that stressed government responsibility of punishment and retaliation. Hammurabi a. What was the philosophy of his law code? “Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth”

29 8. Upper Egypt is located in the of Egypt. South a.Upper Egypt is located in the of Egypt. North

30 9. These occasional waterfalls make continuous sailing of the Nile impossible. Cataracts

31 10. Who united Upper and Lower Egypt? King Menes

32 11. India has three mountain ranges to the north that serve as natural barriers. Name them. Hindu Kush, Karakoram, Himalayas

33 12. India experiences wet and dry monsoons. What is a monsoon? Seasonal wind

34 13. True or False: Indian society was sharply divided among the royalty, priests, merchants, farmers, and slaves. FALSE

35 14. In which civilization (Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, or China) are women subject to their fathers, husbands, and eventually their own sons? China

36 15. The Chinese rulers ruled according to the policy known as. The Mandate of Heaven

37 16. Fill in the following locations on the map – Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China Egypt Mesopotamia India China

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