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Jesus’ Strategy – He is the Savior Disciples 1: 2:12 Jews 2:13-3:36 Samaritans4:1-54 Jewish Leaders 5:1-47 Multitudes6:1-71.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus’ Strategy – He is the Savior Disciples 1: 2:12 Jews 2:13-3:36 Samaritans4:1-54 Jewish Leaders 5:1-47 Multitudes6:1-71."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus’ Strategy – He is the Savior Disciples 1: 2:12 Jews 2:13-3:36 Samaritans4:1-54 Jewish Leaders 5:1-47 Multitudes6:1-71

2 Jesus Redefines the Institutions of Judaism Ritual Purification The Temple A Rabbi A Holy Well

3 Jesus Redefines the Festivals of Judaism Sabbath (5) Passover (6) Tabernacles (7-9) Dedication (10)

4 Jesus Goes on Trial… The Crime 5:1-15 (read in small group)

5 The Crime Against The Sabbath Exodus 31:15… “For six days, work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day must be put to death.”

6 What is work? Scribes define work = Mishnah and Talmud. Pharisees commit to following rules about work.

7 Some Examples: Tying a knot Walking Carrying a burden

8 The Crime Of Healing John 9:3 Luke 13:1-5

9 “Suffering is not an index of a person’s sin. But having said that, specific suffering may still come from specific sins.” - Gary Burge

10 “Anyone who eats and drinks (Holy Communion) without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep.” - I Corinthians 11:30

11 The Decision to Prosecute 5:16-18

12 The Trial self-defense 5:19-40

13 Witnesses for Jesus’ Case 5:31-40

14 Jesus goes from defense to offense 5:41-47


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