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DOSEN PENGASUH Dr. Johannes, S.E., M.Si

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1 DOSEN PENGASUH Dr. Johannes, S.E., M.Si,

2 1.Alasan Untuk Matrikulasi: Memberikan pemahaman yang sama atas pembelajaran di tingkat postgraduate (Pascasarjana). Input yang masuk dari berbagai bidang ilmiah Konsentrasi yang tersedia Manajemen Pemasaran, Manajemen Keuangan, Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia. Inspirasi tentang bidang ilmu MANAJEMEN dan kepemilikan referensi. 2. Menjelaskan sarana belajar yang tersedia 3. Menjelaskan fenomena yang harus dihindarkan dalam praktik pembelajaran : penggunaan IT, penggunaan statistik tool, 4. Menjelaskan secara umum upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah umum pembelajaran 5. Reward and punishment, Matrekulasi bisa GAGAL

3 1.1

4 After reading this chapter, you should be able to:  Define managers and management  Explain what managers do  Demonstrate knowledge of the competencies used in managerial work by developing and practicing them  Describe the changing context of managerial work 1.1

5 Adapted from Figure 1.1 Teamwork Competency Communication Competency Planning and Administration Competency Global Awareness Competency Strategic Action Competency Self- Management Competency ManagerialEffectiveness 1.2

6  Example  Scope of Subordinates Job  Technical Skills  “Big Picture” Thinking VP of Finance Low High Low Functional Managers General Managers Store Manager High Low High 1.3

7 Organizing Planning Leading Controlling Adapted from Figure 1.2 1.4

8 Top Managers Middle Managers First-Line Managers Nonmanagers Adapted from Figure 1.3 1.5

9  Informal Communication  Flexible and varies approach in different situations  Formal Communication  Writes clearly, concisely and effectively, using traditional as well as electronic media  Negotiation  Skilled at developing relationships and exercising influence in all directions Adapted from Table 1.2 1.6

10  Information Gathering, Analysis, and Problem Solving  Takes calculated risks and anticipates consequences in a timely manner  Planning and Organizing Projects  Plans, schedules, prioritizes tasks, delegates responsibilities  Time Management  Knows when to permit interruptions and when to screen them out  Budgeting and Financial Management  Understands budgets, cash flows, financial reports, and annual reports and regularly uses such information Adapted from Table 1.3 1.7

11  Designing Teams  Formulates clear objectives that inspires team members  Creating a Supportive Environment  Acts as a coach, counselor, and mentor, being patient with team members as they learn  Managing Team Dynamics  Utilizes strengths and weaknesses and brings conflict into the open Adapted from Table 1.4 1.8

12  Understanding the Industry  Anticipates changes of competitors and strategic partners  Understanding the Organization  Understands the distinctive competencies of the organization  Taking Strategic Actions  Considers the long-term implications of actions in order to sustain and further develop the organization Adapted from Table 1.5 1.9

13  Cultural Knowledge and Understanding  Stays informed of political, social and economic trends and events around the world  Recognizes the impact of global events on the organization  Cultural Openness and Sensitivity  Recognizes variation of cultures and avoids stereotyping  Is sensitive to cultural cues and is able to adopt quickly in novel situations  Adjusts own behavior when interacting with people of diverse backgrounds Adapted from Table 1.6 1.10

14  Integrity and Ethical Conduct  Has clear personal standards of integrity and ethics  Accepts responsibility for own actions  Personal Drive and Resilience  Seeks responsibility, shows perseverance in the face of obstacles, and bounces back from failure  Balancing Work and Life Issues  Strikes a reasonable balance between work and other life activities  Self-Awareness and Development  Has clear personal and career goals and knows own values, feelings, and areas of strengths and weakness  Analyzes and learns from work and life experiences Adapted from Table 1.7 1.11

15 Adapted from Figure 1.4 1980 1990 2000 1.12


17 After reading this chapter, you should be able to:  Describe the three branches of the traditional viewpoint of management: Bureaucratic Scientific Administrative  Explain the behavioral viewpoint’s contribution to management  Describe how managers can use systems and quantitative techniques to improve employee performance  State the two major components of the contingency viewpoint  Explain the impact of the need for quality on management practices 2.1

18 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Traditional Viewpoint Quality Viewpoint Contingency Viewpoint Systems Viewpoint Behavioral Viewpoint Adapted from Figure 2.1 2.2

19 Adapted from Figure 2.2 Middle Manager Top Manager First-Line Manager Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group Work Group 2.3

20 Adapted from Figure 2.3 Low Bureaucratic Structure Mid-Range Bureaucracy High Bureaucratic Orientation Starbucks Pepsi-ColaIRS Blockbuster Video 2.4 Cisco SystemsProcter & Gamble SonyMcDonald’s

21 Administrative Characteristics Rules Impersonality Division of Labor Hierarchy Authority Structure Lifelong Career Commitment Rationality Focus Whole Organization TraditionalManagementScientificManagement Adapted from Table 2.1 Bureaucratic Management Administrative Characteristics Training in routines and rules “One Best Way” Financial Motivation Focus Employee Administrative Characteristics Defining of management functions Division of Labor Hierarchy Authority Equity Focus Manager 2.5

22 Benefits  Consistency  Efficiency Drawbacks  Rigidity  Slowness TraditionalManagementScientificManagement Adapted from Table 2.1 Bureaucratic Management Benefits  Productivity  Efficiency Drawbacks  Overlooks social needs Benefits  Clear structure  Professionalization of managerial roles Drawbacks  Internal focus  Overemphasizes rational behavior of managers 2.6

23 Environment Adapted from Figure 2.4 INPUTS Human, physical, financial, and information resources OUTPUTS Products and Services TRANS- FORMATION PROCESS Feedback loops 2.7

24 Behavioral Viewpoint How managers influence others: Informal Group Cooperation among employees Employees’ social needs Systems Viewpoint How the parts fit together: Inputs Transformations Outputs Traditional Viewpoint What managers do: Plan Organize Lead Control Contingency Viewpoint Managers’ use of other viewpoints to solve problems involving: External environment Technology Individuals Adapted from Figure 2.5 2.8

25 Adapted from Figure 2.6 Positive Company Image Lower Costs & Higher Market Share Decreased Product Liability QUALITY 2.09

26 X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X Traditional Behavioral Systems Contingency Quality Adapted from Table 2.3 ManagerialCompetency Management Viewpoint  Communication  Planning and administration  Strategic action  Self-management  Global awareness  Teamwork X X = relatively high importance 2.10


28  Is this a viable opportunity?  What do we need to know to make decision?  Would you invest?

29  Kentucky Faucet-making Plant Moving Work To Mexico: 165 To Lose Jobs In Paintsville  Nike Pulls LeBron James “Kung Fu” Ad in China  Pfizer Is Getting Tougher With Firms That Supply Canadian Online Pharmacies With Prescription Drugs Re-exported To The U.S.  Senate Republicans Push Sri Lankan Tsunami Relief via Free Trade  Multi-fiber Arrangement (MFA) Expires Jan. 1, 2005; Bra Imports from China Exempted  EU to probe high cost of replacement printer cartridges made by U.S. printer maker Lexmark.  Foreign Auto Makers Aim to Boost U.S. Market Share

30  Globalization? …why go international?  International environment:  Political, legal, cultural, technological, economic factors confronting firms  Strategic management of the multinational firm  Entry modes  International strategy  International operations  Structure, control, and integration of overseas units  Management of international joint ventures

31 Top Management Functional Management Marketing Production R&D Logistics Acct./Fin.

32 Uncertainty Tolerant Business-management is an “art” or “craft”. Business-management is a “science”. Uncertainty Avoidant TMT

33  What you will get from this course:  Understand the context of the ‘global economy’  How to manage information and knowledge  Useful frameworks/heuristics for decision making  Ability to integrate  Ability to anticipate and react  “Big picture” perspective

34 Top Management Don’t let this be you I don’t get it.

35  Business cases  Textbook readings  Class discussion  Videos  Guest speakers  Mock Negotiation  Case Reports  Participation  Lectures

36  MBA Global Business Management MGT 610  by Primis On-line eBooks (web ID forthcoming)  Foreign Investment Negotiation Simulation  (in bookstores ~4 weeks)   (web ID forthcoming)  Articles, readings  Harvard Business School (HBS) Case Packet:  Procter & Gamble  Volkswagen  Booz-Allen  Intel  Levi’s  Nestles  Lincoln Electric  Nora-Sakari  Tricon  MontGras\~wallyf

37 AssignmentWeight Oral Case Reports (Group & Individual) 40% Quiz 1 (Individual) 10% Quiz 2 (Individual) 10% FINS Pre-Game Written Report (Group) 10% FINS Post-Game Written Reports (Group) 15% Participation (Individual) 10% Peer Evaluation (Individual) 5% TOTAL100%

38  WHAT?  Issues and outlook: What is the problem?  What information is most relevant?  SO WHAT?  What does your analysis reveal?  How is the firm impacted?  What are the implications?  NOW WHAT?  What are the alternative solutions?  What are the salient decision criteria?  What is the best solution?  What is the plan for action and implementation? Timing?  What is overall impact and evaluation of the plan?

39 MNC 1 Local Firm a Government X MNC 2 Local Firm b Government Y

40  Identification of key issues  Significant analysis  Logical synthesis of discussion points  Identification of new alternatives  Suggestion of plan of action  Identification of key assumptions  Meaningful summary  “Open” a case  Contribute to middle  Linkage with text reading  Summary, synthesis, resolution, or closure  LISTSERV How...When...

41  Administrative Communication  Discussion of Course Material, Requirements, etc.  Participation…faux chat room  News Flashes  Misc.  Required  

42  Foreign buyout of KY- American Water Co.  High prices for drugs  Import from Canada  AIDS drug prices/availability in Africa  Bush immigration policy  Weak Dollar vs. major currencies  Global market share battles  Free Trade of the Americas &. NAFTA  Exporting of U.S. manufacturing and service jobs  Status of global brands:  Coca-Cola  McDonald’s  Sony What intrigues YOU?

43  Current Events Assignment for JAN 19:  Find article about some aspect of global management  Context of global management  What companies/industries are doing  Effects of global/international firm activities or government policies, etc.  Be prepared to discuss in class  What?  So What?  Now What?


45 After reading this chapter, you should be able to:  Explain the role of the planning function  Describe the components of two basic forms of planning  Discuss the effects of level of diversification on the complexity of planning  Describe the three basic levels of strategy and planning  State the eight primary phases of the planning process  Explain the generic competitive strategies model 7.1

46 1) Discover new opportunities 2) Anticipate and avoid future problems 3) Developing effective courses of action 4) Comprehend the uncertainties and risks with various options 7.2

47 Strategic planning is the process of:  Diagnosing the organization’s external and internal environments  Deciding on a vision and mission  Developing overall goals  Creating and selecting general strategies to be pursued  Allocating resources 7.3

48 Tactical planning involves making concrete decisions regarding:  What to do  Who will do it  How to do it within a normal time horizon of a year or less 7.4

49 Adapted from Table 7.1  Intended purpose  Nature of issues addressed  Time horizon  How often done  Condition under which decision making occurs  Where plans are primarily developed  Level of detail Strategic Planning Tactical Planning Dimension Ensure long-term effectiveness and growth How to survive and compete Long term (usually two years or more) Every one to three years Uncertainty and risk Middle to top management Low to moderate Means of implementing strategic plans How to accomplish specific goals Short term (usually one year or less) Every six months to one year Low to moderate risk Employees, up to middle management High 7.5

50  What can we do better than other firms if we enter a new market?  What strategic resources do we need to succeed in the new market?  Will we simply be a player in the new market or will we emerge a winner?  What can we learn by diversifying, and are we sufficiently organized to learn it? 7.6

51 Scope of strategic planning Lucent Technologies Cemex G.E. Dominant- business firm Single- business firm Related- business firm Unrelated- businesses firm Broad Low HighLow Level of Diversification Adapted from Figure 7.1 7.7

52 CorporateLevel BusinessLevel FunctionalLevel Three Senior Exec. Officers Five Senior Corporate Officers 20 Corporate Staff Officers Pres. & CEO, NBC Pres. & CEO GE Appliances Pres. & CEO of other businesses Marketing Human Resources Finance/ Accounting Other Adapted from Figure 7.2 7.8 Marketing Human Resources Finance/ Accounting Other Functional Units in each line of business Pres. & CEO GE Aircraft Engines Marketing Human Resources Finance/ Accounting Other

53  Human resources  Finance  Marketing  Operations (manufacturing) Sample Functions Sample Key Issues What type of reward system is needed? What is the desired mixture of borrowed funds and equity funds? What goods or services should be emphasized? What should be the level of commitment to total quality? 7.9 Adapted from Table 7.2

54 Phase 2: Diagnose opportunities and threats Phase 3: Diagnose strengths and weaknesses Phase 4: Develop strategies Phase 1: Develop mission and goals Phase 5: Prepare strategic plan Phase 8: Continue planning Phase 7: Control and diagnose results Phase 6: Prepare tactical plans Adapted from Figure 7.3 7.10

55 Example Issue Scale Category  Information Technologies  Human resources  Marketing  Finance  Manufacturing Networking capabilities Employee competencies Share of market Ability to obtain loans Per unit costs Adapted from Table 7.3 Superior Above Avg. Avg. Problems Crisis 7.11

56 Low Cost (price) Broad Narrow Uniqueness Source of Advantage StrategicTarget Differentiationstrategy Cost leadership strategy Focus strategy Source: Adapted with permission of The Free Press, a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. from Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors (p. 39) by Michael E. Porter, Copyright © 1980 by The Free Press. Adapted from Figure 7.4 7.12

57 Feature Company Examples Business-Level Strategy Differentiation Premium Quality Brand image Technological leadership Customer service Toyota Mercedes-Benz Honda Lexus 7.13

58 Feature Business-Level Strategy Focus  Careful identification of target market (niche)  Cost leadership emphasis or differentiation emphasis applied to a specific niche  Constant review of customer demand in niche  Create a unique image for the products 7.14

59 Essential actions associated with a cost leadership strategy:  Utilizing facilities or equipment that yield high economies of scale  Constantly striving to reduce per unit overhead, manufacturing, marketing, labor and follow-up service costs  Minimizing the labor-intensive personal services and sales forces  Avoiding customers whose demands would result in high personal selling or service costs 7.15

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