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Physics Review for the GHSGT. Types of energy Solar Electrical Nuclear Chemical Mechanical Potential Kinetic.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics Review for the GHSGT. Types of energy Solar Electrical Nuclear Chemical Mechanical Potential Kinetic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics Review for the GHSGT


3 Types of energy Solar Electrical Nuclear Chemical Mechanical Potential Kinetic

4 Conservation of mechanical energy In the absence of friction, the total mechanical energy remains constant

5 Temperature scales Fahrenheit English system Water freezes - 32° Water boils - 212° Room temp - 68° Celsius (centigrade) Metric system Water freezes – 0° Water boils – 100° Room temp – 20° Kelvin Celsius + 273

6 Converting Celsius and Fahrenheit

7 Thermal energy Not the same as temperature! Temperature measures the average kinetic energy of the molecules. Thermal energy is the sum of all the kinetic and potential energies of the molecules of the substance. Amount of thermal energy stored depends on 3 things: Mass, temperature and amount of energy stored per degree

8 Heat Transfer

9 Insulator or conductor? Materials that conduct heat easily are: Thermal conductors Materials that conduct heat poorly are: Thermal insulators

10 Heat equation Q = mcΔT Heat energy mass Specific heat Change in temperature  Amount of thermal energy stored depends on 3 things: Mass, temperature and amount of energy stored per degree

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