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F RUIT AND V EGETABLE N UTRITION Presented by Crystel Ramirez, Nutritionist.

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1 F RUIT AND V EGETABLE N UTRITION Presented by Crystel Ramirez, Nutritionist

2 M INIMUM S ERVINGS P ER D AY  Vegetable Group: 3 1 cup raw, leafy vegetables ½ cup of other vegetables, cooked or chopped raw ¾ cup of vegetable juice  Fruit Group: 2 1 medium apple, banana, or orange ½ cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit ¾ cup of fruit juice

3 V EGETABLE S ERVINGS Carrot - 7-inch – 35 calories Aid in improving eyesight Helps prevent heart attack and stroke Leaf lettuce - 1.5 cups – 15 calories Helps prevent birth defects Helps prevent heart disease Tomato - 1 medium – 35 calories Reduces risk of cancer Reduces cholesterol

4 F RUIT S ERVINGS  Banana - One medium – 110 calories  Rich in fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium  Helps reduce high blood pressure  Cherries - One cup – 50 calories  Anti-inflammatory fruit  Great for diabetes  Grapes - 1.5 cups – 90 calories  Quick source of energy  Reduces risk of heart attack

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