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Protest Music Report Second Level (2-15a) (+ +) I can use evidence selectively to research current social, political or economic issues. Third Level (3-17b)

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Presentation on theme: "Protest Music Report Second Level (2-15a) (+ +) I can use evidence selectively to research current social, political or economic issues. Third Level (3-17b)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Protest Music Report Second Level (2-15a) (+ +) I can use evidence selectively to research current social, political or economic issues. Third Level (3-17b) I can discuss the extent to which my choices and decisions are influenced by the ways in which I am informed. Fourth Level (4-17b) I can evaluate the role of the media in a democracy, assess its importance in informing and influencing citizens, and explain decisions made by those in power.

2 Success Criteria:Level 2 nd 3 rd 4 th I have created an effective headline for my article. I have described different methods of protest. I have discussed different protest songs and their purpose. I have answered the 5 ‘W’s for my chosen protest song. I have given an opinion about whether they are effective. I have used facts and examples to justify my argument. I have compared the effectiveness of different protest songs. I have analysed why some songs are more effective than others. I have shown bias throughout my report.

3 Where Children Sleep ► children-sleep/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 ► Take notes of what you see in each picture, the name/age of the child and anything about their work. ► Identify differences between children in poorer/richer countries.

4 Child Labour We are going to learn about: 1. Types of work children do around the world. 2. The consequences of child labour 3. The causes of child labour.

5 Watch the following documentaries and take notes on the following: ► TITLE: Country ► 1. The Job? – what is it?/wages/working conditions. ► 2. The child? – name/age/lifestyle?/family ► 3. Causes ► 4. Consequences

6 Bangle making ► m/watch?v=Pa21VtFN uZs

7 Copper Mining ► m/watch?v=ruh0O_mj 1v0 m/watch?v=ruh0O_mj 1v0 m/watch?v=ruh0O_mj 1v0

8 Bangladesh - Glasswork ► 9gZ4 9gZ4 9gZ4

9 Peru - Gold Mining ► DSlc

10 Chocolate ► F_Qyc F_Qyc F_Qyc

11 ► Using these case studies mindmap the following questions:

12 Types of work children do around the world?

13 Definition of Child Labour ► The term “child labour” is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development. HOWEVER Children’s participation in work that does not affect their health and personal development or interfere with their schooling, is generally regarded as being something positive.

14 Why do children work?

15 How can child labour be prevented? ► We are going to look at a case study where UNICEF is working to reduce child labour. ► Where: Gujarat, India ► What: BT Cotton growing ► In 2009 220,000 children were employed in this type of work. ►

16 Take Notes on: ► Why children are used: ► Who was involved with stopping this work: ► What were the 4 stages of their plan? ► What was necessary in order to achieve their goal?

17 Domestic Workers ► m/watch?v=aE_rDmeq B08

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