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Strategy Directorate Advertising on JANET Diane McDonald Strathclyde University A JISC funded study.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy Directorate Advertising on JANET Diane McDonald Strathclyde University A JISC funded study."— Presentation transcript:

1 25/06/ Strategy Directorate Advertising on JANET Diane McDonald Strathclyde University A JISC funded study

2 25/06/ Strategy Directorate Outline of session Outline of JISC study Issues considered Findings JISC decision

3 25/06/ Strategy Directorate JISC Study into Advertising on JANET Inform JISC of the issues JISC Services Institutions Consortium Diane McDonald, Ralph Weedon, Caroline Breslin, Strathclyde University Brian Kelly, UKOLN George Neisser, National Cache (advisor) 3 months Report to May meeting of JCEI

4 25/06/ Strategy Directorate issues feasibility ethical restrictions Others? maximise potential Types of electronic marketing

5 25/06/ Strategy Directorate Types of Electronic marketing banner Pop-up windows Screen savers adware Electronic newletters Email footers spam Sponsorship logos “free”

6 25/06/ Strategy Directorate economic issues feasibility ethical restrictions Others? maximise potential Types of electronic marketing

7 25/06/ Strategy Directorate Sponsorship Expected Income £500 - £2000 per quarter per logo Potential Problems Conflict of marketing of institution or Service. Potential for perceived endorsement of sponsor. Slight increase in download time. Reduced transfer rate of information sought. Cost Effective Yes Comments Multiple sponsorship “launch pads” - most cost effective

8 25/06/ Strategy Directorate Banner Advertising Expected Income £2 - £20 CPM Potential Problems Perceived endorsement of products. Increase in download time. Reduced transfer rate of information sought. Distracting / annoying for user. Not readily adapted for visually impaired access. Normal implementation outwith JANET AUP -? Cost EffectiveYes – marginal! Comments Potential problems => a less preferential option. > 99.7% of web-based adverts do not receive a single click

9 25/06/ Strategy Directorate Sell-through Expected Income ? Potential Problems As with Advertising Cost Effective Marginal unless tightly targeted – e.g British Library CommentsShould purchaser receive % of revenue generated?

10 25/06/ Strategy Directorate Commercial funding in exchange for Marketing Information Expected Income ? Potential Problems May be against the Data Protection Act 1998 Possibly unacceptable to users Cost EffectiveUnknown Comments Take legal advice embryonic market => reconsider in future

11 25/06/ Strategy Directorate Sponsorship of Electronic Newsletters Expected Income £5-£30 CPM Per publication rates are agreed on individual cases. Potential Problems Potential for perceived endorsement of sponsor. Cost EffectiveYes Comments Click-through rate in e-newsletters is significantly higher than normal. 1 Income varies by perceived reputation and circulation of newsletter. The smaller the newsletter, the higher the return. 1 Observer Newspaper article on e-newsletter click-throughs, 18/02/01

12 25/06/ Strategy Directorate Screen Savers Expected Income £5-£15 per PC per quarter Potential Problems Potential for perceived endorsement of sponsor. Cost EffectiveYes CommentsAlready in considerable use within the sector.

13 25/06/ Strategy Directorate Banner Advertising within Email Expected Income £20-£40 CPM Potential Problems Potential for perceived endorsement of sponsor. Need to ensure the email has been solicited in some form – i.e. not spam Cost EffectiveYes CommentsNo use of this was found within the sector.

14 25/06/ Strategy Directorate technical economic Types of electronic marketing issues feasibility ethical restrictions Others? maximise potential

15 25/06/ Strategy Directorate network traffic bandwidth reduction network saturation cost userinstitution campus man SJ4ISP upgrade profile monitoring 56K Dial-up User Bandwidth reduction – 34.9K Extra time to download - 0.15s (Page Size 41.1K (34.8K), Ad Size 6K) 56K Dial-up User Bandwidth reduction – 34.9K Extra time to download - 0.15s (Page Size 41.1K (34.8K), Ad Size 6K) FE Connected at 2M Bandwidth reduction – 1.75M (Page Size 41.1K (34.8K), Ad Size 6K) FE Connected at 2M Bandwidth reduction – 1.75M (Page Size 41.1K (34.8K), Ad Size 6K) 56K Dial-up User Additional Cost (peak rate) – 0.01pence 56K Dial-up User Additional Cost (peak rate) – 0.01pence

16 25/06/ Strategy Directorate Usability of JISC Web services Type% of original information transfer Screen Size640 x 480 pixels800 x 600 pixels Banner Advertising 60%62% Sponsorship73%74% But - Special Needs access also effected!

17 25/06/ Strategy Directorate technical economic legal acceptability policy issues feasibility ethical restrictions Others? maximise potential 3 rd party Types of electronic marketing Not an issue when appropriate to content May be legal / funding restrictions No legal restriction in UK General legislation applies May be legal / funding restrictions No legal restriction in UK General legislation applies Development still in infancy Only 4 respondents had official policy Conflicting interpretation of JANET AUP Development still in infancy Only 4 respondents had official policy Conflicting interpretation of JANET AUP Content providers concerned that marketing is in line with their image Contributors may expect income – but! No evidence of impact on h/w, s/w provision Content providers concerned that marketing is in line with their image Contributors may expect income – but! No evidence of impact on h/w, s/w provision

18 25/06/ Strategy Directorate technical economic legal acceptability policy issues feasibility ethical restrictions Others? maximise potential 3 rd party Types of electronic marketing financial contractual JISC Advertising Service - broker deals for JISC Services / Community JISC Advertising Service - broker deals for JISC Services / Community

19 25/06/ Strategy Directorate JISC Advertising Brokering Service At odds with institution policy AdvantagesDisadvantages cost Benefits of size Missed local opportunities Experience & skills No uniform market ? ? Consortium Approach?

20 25/06/ Strategy Directorate technical economic legal acceptability policy issues feasibility ethical restrictions Others? maximise potential 3 rd party Types of electronic marketing financial contractual concept content Consider general marketing policy Consult user organisations?

21 25/06/ Strategy Directorate technical economic legal acceptability policy issues feasibility ethical restrictions Others? maximise potential 3 rd party Types of electronic marketing financial contractual concept content MarketingAdvantages Free service Additional information Free service Additional information Traditional source of revenue generation New method of deliver => new problems Potential conflict with organisation’s marketing message Traditional source of revenue generation New method of deliver => new problems Potential conflict with organisation’s marketing message Already here!

22 25/06/ Strategy Directorate Summary Part of general marketing Well chosen, appropriate content aids acceptability Sponsorship probably most acceptable Profit margins limited Policy clarification & additional advice required Consortium approach more appropriate than a central Brokering Service

23 25/06/ Strategy Directorate JISC Decision No advertising on JISC Services Reconsider JANET AUP Commission Guidelines for institutions No JISC Advertising Brokering Service -Await interest from FE / HE regarding consortium approach Institutional decision

24 25/06/ Strategy Directorate Study Report jisc-advertising.pdf

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