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The Puritans – pg 68.

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1 The Puritans – pg 68

2 1. Name one religious group that was speaking out against the King and the Church of England
The Puritans

3 2. Unlike the Separatists (Pilgrims), what did the Puritans want to do?
The Puritans wanted to reform or “purify” the practices of the church of England

4 Instrumental music Stained glass windows Church weddings

5 3. What did the Puritans face in England?
The Puritans faced increasing persecution in England:

6 4. What did many Puritans decide to do?
Many Puritans decided to leave and set up a Puritan society in America

7 5. Who? Massachusetts Bay Company, a joint stock company owned by Puritan merchants

8 6. What? Received a charter to settle in New England
"The principall ende of this plantacion is to wynn and incite the natives of the country to the knowledge & obedience of the onlie true God & Savior of mankinde, and the Christian fayth."

9 7. When? 1629

10 8. Where? Massachusetts Bay Colony (Boston)

11 9. Why? So the Puritans would have religious freedom:


13 10. Define the “Great Migration” :
Between 1630 and 1640, 20,000 more settlers crossed the Atlantic to settle in New England

14 11. Instead of a church governed by Kings and Queens, what did the Puritans create?
The Puritans created self governing “congregations”

15 12. What is a congregation? A group of people who belong to the same church

16 13. What did this “Congregationalist” way of organizing churches become known as?
The New England Way

17 14. Describe the meetinghouse in a Puritan village:
The meetinghouse was the most important building where religious services were held - it served as a church

18 15. What did Puritan colonists value?
Hard work:

19 Education:

20 Representative Government

21 Massachusetts Bay Seal:
Can you read what the native is saying in the seal?

22 16. How did the Puritans expand voting rights in the New World?
By allowing any male church members to vote

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