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Alex Iskold / Founder & CEO / AdaptiveBlue ETECH 2008 Making Your Browser Smart(er)

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Presentation on theme: "Alex Iskold / Founder & CEO / AdaptiveBlue ETECH 2008 Making Your Browser Smart(er)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alex Iskold / Founder & CEO / AdaptiveBlue ETECH 2008 Making Your Browser Smart(er)

2 "It's not the documents, it is the THINGS they are about which are important" Tim Bernes-Lee, Inventor of World Wide Web


4 2008 - 1993 = 15

5 The browser is our companion in all information journeys around the web. Why is it not smart(er)?

6 Browser does not know what we are looking at People see this as a bookBrowser sees this as HTML

7 To make the browser smarter we need SEMANTICS.

8 People have been talking for a while about building Semantic Web

9 Semantic Web Already Exists  It is an invisible layer connecting Things and People on top of current World Wide Web.  Humans take it for granted because it is so obvious.  Machines can not see it, because it is not represented in machine readable way.

10 For the past 2 years AdaptiveBlue worked to bring existing Semantic Web into a spotlight.

11 BlueOrganizer - Firefox add-on featuring top-down semantic technology.

12 BlueOrganizer Automatically Recognizes Things

13 … in PAGES, LINKS and TEXT A page about a bookA text containing an address A link pointing to a stock

14 BlueOrganizer Creates Common Identify For Things Across the Web

15 BlueOrganizer Enables Users to Put Semantic Markers Around The Web Widgets for SidebarWidgets in Posts

16 Our Technologies Create Top-Down Semantic Layer across entire Web + + BlogosphereMedia SitesRetail Sites

17 By leveraging semantic technologies we created new kind of web experience: Contextual Browsing

18 “You never have to go to a search engine, you just have to surf the Web and hop from concept to concept.” - Erick Schonfeld, TechCrunch BlueOrganizer Indigo Review

19 Contextual Browsing  Users interact with things not pages, text or links.  Users experience personalized web - re-wired for each individual.  Users shortcut to relevant information, reducing the need for brute search.  Users discover related things and people around the content they are looking at.

20 BlueOrganizer Demo

21 Web Browser ConceptsRecognizers Shortcuts User Information Amazon S3 BlueOrganizer How BlueOrganizer Works  XML-based, extensible infrastructure for things, recognizers and shortcuts.  Sophisticated recognition algorithms for text, links, pages using home-grown techniques and standards.  Scalable infrastructure leveraging Amazon Web Services. For more visit

22 BlueOrganizer for Firefox ContextualPersonalized MeaningfulWeb Wide

23 Contact: Alex Iskold 201-788-9030

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