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Sustainability Plan Virginia Health Workforce Development Authority.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability Plan Virginia Health Workforce Development Authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability Plan Virginia Health Workforce Development Authority

2 Office of Economic Development David Nutter Patrick O’Brien 2

3 Where We Are Funded by a $2 million Federal grant. Set to expire Sept. 30, 2013. No-cost extension until Sept. 29, 2014 VHWDA will continue to demonstrate value to its constituents and to Commonwealth 3

4 Objectives Conduct best practice assessment of six AHECs across nation: North Carolina, South Carolina, Colorado, Wyoming, Washington & Montana. Assess short-term and long-term goals Assess staff and budget needs 4

5 Analyze and to be go-to site for health workforce Identify allies & maximize coalitions Recommend strategies to fund VHWDA activities Complete draft plan by end of January 5

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