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Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership. Slide 2 Right to Control – what’s happening? Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Trafford & Stockport Councils. Job.

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Presentation on theme: "Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership. Slide 2 Right to Control – what’s happening? Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Trafford & Stockport Councils. Job."— Presentation transcript:

1 Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership

2 Slide 2 Right to Control – what’s happening? Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Trafford & Stockport Councils. Job Centre Plus. Access to Work. Independent Living Fund. A ‘Trailblazer’ to test Right to Control over next 2 years.

3 Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership Slide 3 Where did it come from? Improving the Life chances of Disabled People 2005 Putting People First 2007 Transforming Adult Social Care 2008 and 2009 Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 Right To Control Regulations (Welfare Reform Act) The natural extension of Personalisation

4 Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership Slide 4

5 Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership Slide 5 6 funding streams Access to Work Work Choice Supporting People Disabled Facilities Grant Independent Living Fund Adult Social Care

6 Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership Slide 6 What is the Right to Control? Disabled people having more control over their own lives and the support they receive. Having a legal right to choose and control their support to meet their outcomes. People having the money to buy their own support if they choose. Also the choice to stay with standard service provision.

7 Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership Slide 7 What we are trying to do? A streamlined assessment process. One support plan –outcome focussed. A ‘no wrong door’ approach. Independent advocacy, brokerage and peer support. Testing ‘portability’. Personal Health Budgets.

8 Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership Slide 8 How are we doing it? Governance structures. Workforce development. Multi-disciplinary team. Bespoke projects. Business analysis. Communications. Images of possibility / lived experiences. Change culture, attitudes and practice

9 Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership Programme Team Slide 9 Co-production!

10 Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership Slide 10 A Centre for Independent Living Deliver independent services to disabled people. Capacity building. Peer support, advocacy & brokerage. Support planning. Support ULO development locally

11 Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership Slide 11 Challenges… Attitudes and organisational culture. Support planning. Streamlining processes across multiple agencies. Economic climate / cuts. Staff and leadership…

12 Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership Slide 12

13 Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership Slide 13

14 Right to Control Manchester Area Partnership Slide 14 Practical application Small victories. Combined funding. Market development. Holistic approach. Better use of resources Better outcomes. Need to think bigger

15 What next? Consultation re possible extension July – September 2012 Share the learning to date – what has worked well and what can we change Embed locally as part of the personalisation journey Legacy for the future – co-production ULO development

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