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Mrs. Chandel Haslett Middle School 7 th Grade Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Chandel Haslett Middle School 7 th Grade Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Chandel Haslett Middle School 7 th Grade Science

2  Designing & Teaching Learning Goals & Objectives by Robert J. Marzano  Two types of goals:  Students will be able to ___________________. (Skills or Activities)  Students will understand ___________________. (Content or Learning Goal)  I thought most GLCEs were learning goals, and I turned that into an activity or skill goal

3  Level 1 – Retrieval with help  Level 2 – Retrieval  Level 3 – Comprehension or Analysis  Level 4 – Analysis or Knowledge Utilization

4  Recognizing  Recalling  Executing  I use these for my vocabulary at a score 2

5  Integrating  Symbolizing  I use these for the score 3 scores sometimes

6  Matching  Classifying  Analyzing Errors  Generalizing  Specifying  I use these for score 3 or 4 scores

7  Decision Making  Problem Solving  Experimenting  Investigating  I use these for a 4 score  This is usually a little more than the goal I have for students.  It goes above and beyond the GLCE

8  P.PM.07.22 Describe how the elements within the Periodic Table are organized by similar properties into families (highly reactive metals, less reactive metals, highly reactive nonmetals, and some almost completely nonreactive gases).

9  Start with changing the learning goal or GLCE into an activity or skill  3.0 Score: The student will diagram the different families and vocabulary words in the periodic table.  Then looking at the Analysis or Knowledge Utilization terms and develop an activity for a more advanced goal  4.0 Score: The student will decide what element is being described using their knowledge of how the periodic table of elements is arranged

10  Then I looked for vocabulary that related to the GLCE in the companion document and book.  2.0 Score: The student will recognize and recall specific terminology, such as:  Periodic table  Period  Group  Alkaline metals  Halogens  Noble gases  Atomic number  Atomic mass  Metal  Non Metal  Metalloid

11  All assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects have a Part A.  Part A is the vocabulary, or the retrieval. If they can do this with help they get a 1, but if they can do it on their own they get a 2  2 out of 4 is 50%, but they know the vocabulary which is the base of the knowledge. Students get a C- for a 50%.  (I can change the percentages for letter grades in the computer system used – Skyward)

12  Part B is also on all assignments, tests, quizzes and projects.  This is the overall goal I have for each student.  These are based off the GLCES  This is a 3 score  ¾ is a 75%, but students know what the state wants them to know so they get an A- (changing next year to a B or B+)

13  Part C is also on all assignments, tests, quizzes and projects.  This is beyond the goal I have for students, so students who reach the goal early have something to work for.  This is a 4 score  This is an A+ score

14  Students get 3 assignments and a quiz that factor into the overall grade.  If they have the four scores 1, 2, 3, 4 then they get a 4 in the computer, because they know the information in Part C  Students also get a matching test score to show if they were able to retain or understand better as time went on.

15  Students who get material slower are not penalized.  A majority or the grade is based on an understanding of the content, not if they are a good student. (80% performance, and 20% Homework and random classwork)  Students are able to track their progress (if feedback is given in a timely manner)

16  Vocabulary is on every assignment.  Students can see the progression of knowledge. (hopefully part a gets easier, then part b and so on)  Student are aware of what they are supposed to learn. There are no surprises!  Students can chunk information throughout the week of the goal to learn the material easier.  All assignments and daily goals are differentiated because each student focuses on where they are along the scale.

17  Grading takes a lot longer.  Remake every assignment, quiz, test, project, etc. the first year

18  Sometimes students trade and grade.  They write their book number instead of names.  They know how they did right away. (immediate feedback)  Ensures we go over the assignments.  Next year everything will be made.  This year I do use a lot of last years assignments, however to organize and remake does take a long time.

19  Give Common Assessment as pre test  Not one student recognized the test when they took it 3 months later.  Give students a report at the end with their pre- assessment score, assignment and quiz score, test score, and common assessment score.  Students can find patterns and analyze the data. (Science Rocks!!)

20  The Highly Engaged Classroom by Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering  Designing & Teaching Learning Goals and Objectives by Robert J. Marzano  Formative Assessment and Standards-Based Grading by Robert J. Marzano

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