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Reconstruction Political Cartoons By: Meagan Willis and Daniel Torres.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction Political Cartoons By: Meagan Willis and Daniel Torres."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction Political Cartoons By: Meagan Willis and Daniel Torres

2 Cartoon #1 In this cartoon, the circle in the center shows the slaves after the Emancipation Proclamation. And on the outside of the circle it shows the slaves before it. This was probably made by a African American's point of view.

3 Cartoon #2 This shows a white man and a black man shaking hands. It is after the war, and they have both lost a leg. It means they have put away their differences, and get along now. This was probably made from a soldier’s point of view.

4 Cartoon #3 This cartoon shows the North giving into the South. Confederates would illustrate this because it shows the Union bowing down to them in shame.

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