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Political Cartoons. A cartoon is a drawing, representational or symbolic, that makes a satirical, witty, or humorous point. It may or may not have a caption.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Cartoons. A cartoon is a drawing, representational or symbolic, that makes a satirical, witty, or humorous point. It may or may not have a caption."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Cartoons

2 A cartoon is a drawing, representational or symbolic, that makes a satirical, witty, or humorous point. It may or may not have a caption and may comprise more than one panel. Cartoons usually appear in periodical publications. Most frequently, their targets are in the field of political or public affairs, but they may be social customs, fashions, or sports events or personalities.

3 Benjamin Franklin's "Join or Die", which depicts a snake whose severed parts represent the Colonies, is acknowledged as the first political cartoon in America. The image had an explicitly political purpose from the start, as Franklin used it in support of his plan for an intercolonial association to deal with the Iroquois at the Albany Congress of 1754

4 This cartoon ran in American newspapers in 1916. Later that year Wilson was running for re-election with the campaign slogan "He kept us out of war." He was re-elected but by April 1917 he was asking Congress to declare war on Germany: nearly one year after this cartoon first appeared.

5 Can you guess who was one of the biggest contributors to Political Cartoons During W.W.II??? Yes… Dr. Suess!!!

6 More Dr. Suess

7 And More Dr. Suess

8 And a little more Dr. Suess

9 “The Crash” “The Millenium” To Herb Block Covering: The Depression 12 Presidents Winning 3 Pulitzer Prizes

10 Most frequently, their targets are in the field of political or public affairs, but they may be social customs, fashions, or sports events or personalities. Remember this??? Well, here are a few current cartoons that you might see that have different topics OTHER that Politics…

11 Know this guy???

12 These cartoons depict how much Money the Harry Potter movie raked in

13 Even making Harry Potter a little bit Political

14 “Air” Michael Jordan …While taking a little shot at the airline industry

15 About his latest comeback to the NBA after retiring TWICE!

16 More Sports… Tiger Woods


18 …and making Tiger a little bit political.

19 From the introduction to downloading music…

20 To the Shutdown of Napster…

21 …to the alternatives to Napster.

22 Cartoons about the “World Domination” of Microsoft And cartoons about the “Legal Troubles” of Microsoft

23 Remember the Y2K Scare???

24 This is how it turned out!

25 From making fun of Technology…

26 …to making fun of going back to school…

27 From Wall Street…

28 …to China

29 Political Cartoons are in the heartbeat of modern communications. They Entertain! They Educate! And possibly even more-so in today’s world…

30 Political Cartoons can express how we feel about what is going on around us.

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