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Data, Information & Customer Support Standing Committee Report on Action Items at Close of IICWG-7 28 September 2006 Co-Chairs Florence Fetterer & Ari.

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Presentation on theme: "Data, Information & Customer Support Standing Committee Report on Action Items at Close of IICWG-7 28 September 2006 Co-Chairs Florence Fetterer & Ari."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data, Information & Customer Support Standing Committee Report on Action Items at Close of IICWG-7 28 September 2006 Co-Chairs Florence Fetterer & Ari Seina

2 Data, Information & Custom Support Committee Carry-over Action Items DC 3.3: Coordinate the development of the IICWG web page, coordinate development or collection of content for the page and make recommendations for the development of national training page if appropriate. Responsible: P. Seymour Status: CLOSED

3 DC 5.2 (IICWG-5 Action Item 5.5): DICSC in consultation with the ASRSC will develop a document articulating their analysis and forecasting requirements to be used to promote the next Science Workshop. Responsible: F. Fetterer, A. Seina Status: CLOSED Data, Information & Custom Support Committee Carry-over Action Items

4 DC 6.1.1: Interoperable Data Formats - Harmonizing WMO Nomenclature and the Ice Objects Catalog – Complete the final version of the Ice Objects Catalog Responsible: P. Seymour and V. Smolyanitsky Target date: [? - not set] Status: OPEN Paul Seymour’s work has been summarized in material posted on the IICWG SCDICS page ( See Interoperable Data Formats, action item 6.1.1. In brief, Seymour has reviewed catalogue features and attributes, as well as Attribute Listed Values and noted how they compare to the nomenclature, the symbology or ice codes and other sources such as the CIS MANICE. Remaining work includes 1) harmonizing definitions and descriptions of objects with the nomenclature and ice codes, 2) reviewing and updating the nomenclature and ice codes with the goal of facilitating electronic charting and then making the ice objects fit that review 3) finalizing all documents that are now in draft format. Data, Information & Custom Support Committee Carry-over Action Items

5 DC 6.1.2: Interoperable Data Formats - Survey/questionnaire to Ice Services to determine common denominator, e.g. What is the current capability for inter- operability? Responsible: J. Falkingham Target Date: End October, 2006 for responses Status: OPEN John has mailed the survey just recently, will follow up with an email requesting response by end October 2006. A contractor will then compile and analyze responses.

6 Data, Information & Custom Support Committee Carry-over Action Items DC 6.1.3 Interoperable Data Formats – relations with ETSI and JCOMM: Clearly define the objective of developing common data base i.e. seamless customer support vs. ice service interoperability. Suggested actions to establish formal relationships are: Letter of liaison from JCOMM co-presidents to IHO (Technical, CHRIS) (1 March 2006) Letter of liaison from JCOMM ETSI chair Vasily Smolyanitsky to ISO TSMAD chair, Mike Brown (before 7-11 November 2005) Letter of liaison from JCOMM co-president to ISO Chair to expand existing WMO liaison domain to include sea ice (15 May 2006) Responsible: IICWG co-chairs & ETSI chair. Target Date: See above. Status: OPEN In progress

7 Data, Information & Custom Support Committee New Action Items DC 7.1 CIS and NIC to provide resources for a contactor to complete the work identified by Paul Seymour. (Reference 6.1.1) Responsible: Doug Bancroft and Cory Springer Target Date: November 2006 Status: NEW

8 DC 7.2 (related to 6.1.3) Interoperable Data Formats – relations with ETSI and JCOMM: Obtain from JCOMM a recommendation on the appropriate forum for a consultation with the electronic navigational chart (ENC) community and the marine user community. We are seeking advice from and conformity with the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). Responsible: V. Smolyanitsky (ETSI chair) Target Date: March 2007 Status: NEW It is important to note that ETSI owns the Ice Objects catalog under the IHO, and the point of 6.1.1 is to harmonize this with the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature used for ice charting. Because we have members in both ETSI and in operational ice charting, the opportunity is there to make rapid progress. The contractor working on the harmonization will undoubtedly find terms that must be referred back to ETSI. Over time, evolution of the Ice Objects Catalog and the WMO Nomenclature will no doubt take place, but by bringing them together at this time, we hope to ensure that they evolve together. Data, Information & Custom Support Committee New Action Items

9 DC 7.3 Interoperable Data Formats – relations with ETSI and JCOMM: Follow through with the outcome of 7.2. Responsible: Marcos Porcires Target Date: None set. Status: NEW We note that there will be an opportunity for early testing of the “harmonized” nomenclature and catalog. Data, Information & Custom Support Committee New Action Items

10 DC 7.4 Interoperable Data Formats - Standardize the SIGRID3 implementation among ice centres. Responsible: J. Falkingham, P. Seymour and IICWG co-chairs. Target Date: IICWG-8 [?] Status : NEW This action is closely related to DC 6.1.1. Progress on 6.1.1 must precede completion of this action item. Data, Information & Custom Support Committee New Action Items

11 DC 7.5 Interoperable Data Formats – Obtain input from a user group. [I don’t think I adequately captured this. Please send me corrections - FF] Wim H. Jolles, Ice Advisor for Agip KCO, has knowledge representing his user group that we will solicit. Responsible : Sub-committee co-chairs (Seina and Fetterer) Target Date : 30 October 2006 Status : NEW Wim will provide a first draft, we will redraft and send msg to committee, after committee vets it we will send to IICWG co-chairs for signing and sending to Wim. Data, Information & Custom Support Committee New Action Items

12 Data, Information & Custom Support Committee New Business – is it time for new chairs for this committee? Ari and I invite you to consider it, let us know! As with Science Committee action SC6.8?

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