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Bryce Roark ATC, LAT Missouri State Chair.  This district-based committee is comprised of certified members. Eligible candidates have been NATA members.

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Presentation on theme: "Bryce Roark ATC, LAT Missouri State Chair.  This district-based committee is comprised of certified members. Eligible candidates have been NATA members."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bryce Roark ATC, LAT Missouri State Chair

2  This district-based committee is comprised of certified members. Eligible candidates have been NATA members at least one year and are 32 or younger July 1 of the appointment year.  Address issues of athletic trainers 35 and younger

3  Develop strategies to increase recruitment, retention, volunteer involvement and annual meeting attendance among young athletic training professionals.  Provide programs, activities and educational opportunities to address young professional needs.  Promote professional socialization of young professionals

4  To increase recruitment and retention of the young athletic training professionals in the NATA  To increase the number of young athletic training professionals involved in volunteer positions at the local, state, district, and national levels  To increase the number of young athletic training professionals attending the NATA annual meeting  To provide educational opportunities relevant to the interests and concerns of young athletic training professionals  To encourage young athletic training professionals to become involved in public relations efforts to educate the public about the profession of athletic training

5  To encourage young athletic training professionals to become involved in legislative efforts  To promote professional socialization of young athletic training professionals  To encourage young athletic training professionals to get involved in efforts to improve working conditions and quality of life of athletic trainers  To promote professionalism among young athletic training professionals

6  Local  Capital Hill in Jefferson City (February-March)  Letters to Congressmen  District (National)  Capital Hill in Washington D.C.  National Convention Efforts

7  Athletic Trainers are one of the lowest paid Health Care Providers!  Losing ATC’s to other professions( PT’s, OTC’s, etc.)  Let the gov’t know who we are and what we do. How many hours we put in a day/week compared to other professions.

8  New Leadership (Student Leadership)  Student to 5o yr. olds  Involve and Evolve  Sustain momentum & Retain momentum  “I didn’t work my butt of to pass that national boards exam to see this profession fail!” YPC Mission  To identify and address the interests, needs, and concerns of young athletic training professionals and to facilitate communication to and from members of that group.

9  Surveys  Attending meetings (State, Districts, and National Convention)  Speaking up  Power in Numbers

10  Discounts (Give a little, receive a lot) ◦ Volunteer at meetings and they will discount the costs.  Meet the “BIG WIGS”  Be the first to know what’s going on  Satisfaction of knowing you helped the State, District, and National Committees with our efforts.

11  Contact myself ◦ Bryce Roark ATC, LAT  Cell phone: (573) 694-0520  E-mail:  Attend State, District, National Meetings ◦ Look for the Young Professional (YP) tags at those meetings. We post them at various times throughout those events.


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