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Why book trailers? By June Henson Librarian, Downing Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "Why book trailers? By June Henson Librarian, Downing Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why book trailers? By June Henson Librarian, Downing Middle School

2 TEKS for Middle School Technology Applications: (5) Information acquisition. The student is expected to: (A) identify, create, and use files in various formats such as text, bitmapped/vector graphics, image, video, and audio files; (7) Solving problems. The student uses appropriate computer-based productivity tools to create and modify solutions to problems. The student is expected to: (D) demonstrate proficiency in the use of multimedia authoring programs by creating linear or non-linear projects incorporating text, audio, video, and graphics;

3 TEKS for Middle School Technology Applications: (11) Communication. The student delivers the product electronically in a variety of media, with appropriate supervision. The student is expected to: (A) publish information in a variety of ways including, but not limited to, printed copy, monitor display, Internet documents, and video; (B) design and create interdisciplinary multimedia presentations for defined audiences including audio, video, text, and graphics.

4 TEKS for Middle School ELAR 6 th grade (13) Reading/Media Literacy. Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work together in various forms to impact meaning. Students are expected to: (A) explain messages conveyed in various forms of media; (B) recognize how various techniques influence viewers' emotions.

5 TEKS for Middle School ELAR 7 th and 8 th grade 13) Reading/Media Literacy. Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work together in various forms to impact meaning. Students are expected to: (A) interpret both explicit and implicit messages in various forms of media; (B) interpret how visual and sound techniques (e.g., special effects, camera angles, lighting, music) influence the message; (C) evaluate various ways media influences and informs audiences; and (D) assess the correct level of formality and tone for successful participation in various digital media.

6 Rules of Thumb for Creating Book Trailers

7 Summarize just enough of the plot to get viewers interested… But don’t tell them everything! You don’t want to spoil the book!

8 When selecting pictures, think about some of the major characters, themes, and events Teen girl Losing a loved one Stranger in town

9 Do Not: Use long sentences Do Not: Put too many sentences on one slide No one wants to really “read” a book trailer. They want to “look” at it.

10 Do: Try to use no more than 15-20 words per slide Do: Use phrases instead of entire sentences

11 Make sure your music fits the tone of the book It must be copyright-free. No using entire songs off your iPod!

12 The best book trailers are around 1 minute, 45 seconds in length. Make it too long and viewers will lose interest.

13 Be sure to mention the title and author of the book either at the beginning or the end of your trailer (or both)

14 You MUST have a Credits slide at the end. This is not an option. You must give credit to the photographers and web sites where you got your photos and music.

15 Finally, give yourself a shout-out! You did all the hard work, so give yourself credit on your trailer!

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