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Why It Matters What You Believe. Agenda Hand out ballot Three Old Testament examples of why it mattered what someone believed New Testament scriptures.

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Presentation on theme: "Why It Matters What You Believe. Agenda Hand out ballot Three Old Testament examples of why it mattered what someone believed New Testament scriptures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why It Matters What You Believe

2 Agenda Hand out ballot Three Old Testament examples of why it mattered what someone believed New Testament scriptures about belief How we develop our beliefs

3 OT Example 1 - Eve Eve chose to believe Satan Genesis 3:1-6 Believing in the wrong thing can have dire consequences Genesis 3:16-19 Discussion: What things can we mistakenly believe in today that can have dire consequences in our lives?

4 OT Example 2 – Jacob and Joseph Jacob believes lies told about Joseph’s death Genesis 37:32-35 Illustration: mistaken identity What you believe affects your behavior and actions

5 OT Example 3 - Naaman Background – 2 Kings 5:1-8 Reaction – 2 Kings 5:9-12 Discussion: What can we learn from Naaman’s assumptions and reaction?

6 NT – Give an Answer I Peter 3:15-16 Discussion: What do you think it means to “give a reason” or “give a defense”?

7 NT – False Teachers Warnings against false teachers – 2 Peter 2:1-3 – 1 John 4:1 “Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything” ~ Alexander Hamilton Discussion: How do we “try the spirits”? – Compare teaching to Bible Gal 1:6-10 – Christology 2 John 1:7-10 – Teacher lifestyle Jude 1:11

8 How We Develop Our Beliefs Friends Entire Word of God Children from caregivers

9 Next Week Why It Matters What We Believe About - The Bible – How we got the Bible – Supporting evidences for Biblical truths Prophecy Archeology Manuscripts – Sola scriptura “by scripture alone”

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