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Setting the Table To Talk Now we put it all into practice…..

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Presentation on theme: "Setting the Table To Talk Now we put it all into practice….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting the Table To Talk Now we put it all into practice…..

2 What we have covered thus far… Media Sex Education Biblical view And now…Communication!

3 Communication 101 What kind of communicator are you? Take the Quiz!

4 Communication Test Results: Extreme Pointer (15-41) – Your first sentence is always the point. You will think through things, and then give a one-sentence summary. You are happiest when you can solve things. Your worst feeling is the frustration of not knowing what to do. If upset, you definitely want to withdraw and get things back into perspective.

5 Communication Test Results: Moderate Pointer (42-69) – You tend to react in a more balanced way, happier when you can accomplish something and get it out of your mind. You would rather get to the point, but can add details easily, if necessary. Your reaction depends somewhat on the relationship, so you can be different at work than at home.

6 Communication Test Results: Neither/Both (70-96) – It seems to depend entirely on the relationship or situation as to how you will communicate. Sometimes you can paint... sometimes you can point. There seems to be no clear preference.

7 Communication Test Results: Moderate Painter (97-124) – You tend to react to things more black and white, happier when you can be definite about your feelings. You would rather give all the details about a situation, but can summarize if necessary. How you react depends somewhat on the relationship. At home, for example, you can be a painter, but with the demands at work, you can be more focused.

8 Communication Test Results: Extreme Painter (125-150) – There are always dozens of things running through your mind: things that are not settled yet or future possibilities to consider. You are happiest when you can paint the complete picture with all the vivid details. Your worst feeling is loneliness, when someone puts up a wall and shuts you out. When upset, you definitely want to talk things through

9 What’s the point? Communication is key. It provides understanding. It helps relationships. It also helps A LOT in conflicts.

10 Tips for communicating Be a good listener and remember what you’ve been told Don’t brush off excitement Take advantage of opportunities Remember that they don’t think/talk like adults Ask open-ended questions

11 Few more tips Show respect of their feelings/views Watch the teasing Consistency Don’t overreact Admit when you don’t know or were wrong. Acknowledge when they teach you something Say things, out loud, like “I love you” Know what you are afraid of

12 What are your fears? What do you fear for your children, when it comes to sexuality? What fears do you have in talking to your children about sex?

13 Overcoming fears It helps to acknowledge our fears "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face... The danger lies in refusing to face the fear, in not daring to come to grips with it... You must make yourself succeed every time. You must do the thing you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

14 Remember… You are already equipped! God is with you. –“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” –Deut. 31:8 –“For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self- control.” --2 Timothy 1:7

15 For fun… There are four scenarios Take some time to talk about what should happen Act out the scenario, then we will discuss it as a whole group –What was good about what they did? –Was there anything that they should change? –Has anyone been in a situation similar?

16 Thank you so much! Please fill out an evaluation before you leave.

17 Works Cited Communication 101. Presentation by Stephanie Carlson. Concordia University, 2008.

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