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Dia de Independencia.

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1 Dia de Independencia

2 United States Independence
On July 4, 1776 we signed the Declaration of Independence declaring the 13 colonies separate from Great Britain. National holiday Fireworks and cookouts

3 The Aztecs Long before the Americas were discovered there were several groups of people who already lived in the Americas. One of those groups were the Aztec Indians who inhabited what is now known as Mexico. The Aztecs were strong, smart, creative, and were proud of the land which they lived on.

4 Discovering America In 1492 a man named Christopher Columbus landed on what is now Honduras making him the first European to step foot in the Americas. Columbus’ arrival began the true discovery of the Americas. Columbus began the discovery but is not the man who discovered Mexico. The man who lead Spanish explorers to Mexico and began its conquest was Hernan Cortes.

5 Conquest of Mexico Upon the arrival of Cortes and the other Spaniards the battle for control of Mexico began. The Spanish did not come to make friends with the Aztecs or to learn from them, but to either kill them or control them. As time passed the Spanish gained full control of the Aztecs and began trying to make the Native Americans speak, act, and believe like the Spanish did. The Spanish set up churches, homes, and “government” for Spain on the Aztecs land and it remained under Spanish control from 1492 until 1810.

6 Father Hidalgo As time continued on a new people was born. These people were called Mestizos(a combination of Spanish and Aztec). These people were a new addition to the already present Aztec Indians Over time these Mestizos, remaining Aztecs, and the Spanish that had settled there began to wonder why they submitted to a government that was in Europe. As they asked themselves this question one man decided that he had to do something to earn freedom from Spain. This mans name was Father Delores Hidalgo and he is known as the father of Mexican Independence. Father Hidalgo was a priest who was involved in teaching the Indians and believed along with other intellectuals in the society that they had a right to Independence. He is the man that led Mexico to its Independence.

7 Rebellion Lead by Father Hidalgo the people in the land that once belonged to the Aztecs began a rebellion to gain control of the land and call it their own country once again. On October 1, 1810 the people plotted an attack against the government. This rebellion continued and included several battles including the battle of Puebla on May 5.

8 VICTORY After a long fight and numerous battles against Spain and other European countries, the people of what is now Mexico won their independence on September 16!

9 La Bandera de Mexico The Aztecs were originally from Atzlan and were looking for a new place to live. They consulted their gods who told them to settle where they found an island in a lake with an eagle on a cactus with a serpent in its mouth. They found this spot at Tenochtitlan in Lake Texcoco (modern day Mexico City) just like the gods had told them. Green=HOPE (the independence movement) White=PURITY ( the purity of the Catholic faith) Red=UNION (the blood of National heroes

10 16 de Septiembre Traditions
Re-enactments in the Zócalos Finger foods and punch Wear the nations colors Address from the President Ringing of the bell, EL GRITO, y VIVA MEXICO!

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