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1 Serving young sex workers Ruth Mwaiwao Kundecha, HIV Officer Family Planning Association of Malawi Private Bag B424 Capital City LILONGWE 3 Tel: 01773915.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Serving young sex workers Ruth Mwaiwao Kundecha, HIV Officer Family Planning Association of Malawi Private Bag B424 Capital City LILONGWE 3 Tel: 01773915."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Serving young sex workers Ruth Mwaiwao Kundecha, HIV Officer Family Planning Association of Malawi Private Bag B424 Capital City LILONGWE 3 Tel: 01773915 email:

2 2 A brief background l I am 17, a sex worker, a mother of 7 months old baby. l My mother separated with my father when I was young and I stayed with my father’s family until he died. l I don’t know where my mother is. I could not continue with school because the family could not support me. My friends told me I can earn a living at a nearby township by selling sex. I tried it, I thought for once its working now it is 2 years since. I make enough money for me and my baby. In the last year I have slept in a cell on three occasions, why? The police cannot explain to me- sex work is illegal. But where is it written? Why demanding sex from me as a bribe if it is truly illegal?

3 3 Why Chigwilizano ? l Chigwilizano is home to 211 SW, located 7 km west of Lilongwe City. l Chigwilizano lies at the end of 2 well known locations of Likuni and Chinsapo. l The population surrounding these 2 townships is 10,727 l The area is served by a catholic hospital where condoms and modern methods of contraception are not provided.

4 4 Activities l peer education programmes

5 5 Activities l Outreach clinics for STI treatment, VCT, FP and condom distribution l Safer sex campaigns l condom promotion campaigns in the bars and other entertainment places

6 6 Activities l Training and provision of capital for income generating activities like tailoring, hairdressing and restaurant

7 7 Challenges l Increasing cases of lock and vagabond as they patronise the entertainment units hence difficult for them to access SRH services l Weak advocacy efforts for SW l Increasing incidence of sexual violence by the clients which goes unnoticed where the law does not protect SW.

8 8 Remember………… l I'm a mother whatever income I get supports my children get a better life l Am an orphan I have a life to live l I have my rights WHY? u Lock me up u Criminalise my HIV status u Why me?

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