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ASSISTED SUICIDE James G. Anderson, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology Purdue University.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSISTED SUICIDE James G. Anderson, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology Purdue University."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSISTED SUICIDE James G. Anderson, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology Purdue University

2 PATIENTS Competent adult Incompetent adult Mentally retarded Adolescents Children Infants

3 PASSSIVE EUTHANASIA Withdrawal of life support Ventilator Antibiotics Food and water

4 ACTIVE EUTHANASIA Voluntary Physician Assisted

5 ARGUMENTS FOR ASSISTED SUICIDE Individual’s right to self determination Alleviates pain and suffering Reduced costs Legitimates existing practice

6 ARGUMENTS AGAINST ASSISTED SUICIDE “Slippery slope” Lack of safe guards Compromises medical and nursing professions Diverts attention from real issues of dying

7 LEGAL STATUS Netherlands Australia 1988 California Humane and Dignified Death Initiative 1994-1997 Oregon Death with Dignity Act 1997 U.S. Supreme Court Ruling

8 Attitudes toward Participation in Physician-Assisted Suicide 1119 (74%) physicians 998 (76%) public

9 Two Choices

10 Three Choices Physicians

11 Problems Definition of terminal illness: Quadriplegic, Alzheimer's Disease, MS, Huntington’s Disease, ALS Requirement of competence excludes: Alzheimer's Disease, Neonates, Persistent Vegetative State Voluntary Euthanasia: Mistrust of physician, slippery slope Physician-Assisted Suicide: Some patients unable to administer drugs.

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