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Same sex couple banned from school formal Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar banned Year 11 student Hannah Williams from attending the school formal with her female.

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Presentation on theme: "Same sex couple banned from school formal Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar banned Year 11 student Hannah Williams from attending the school formal with her female."— Presentation transcript:

1 Same sex couple banned from school formal Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar banned Year 11 student Hannah Williams from attending the school formal with her female partner Savannah Supski. The girls claim they were banned because they are a same sex couple. The school claims that it is because Savannah is in Year 10, however male partners in Year 10 at other schools have previously been allowed to attend. Hannah’s father, Peter Williams, has lodged a complaint with the Equal Opportunities Commission alleging the school had discriminated against his daughter because of her sexual orientation.

2 Same sex couple banned from school formal Read the news article from the front page of ‘The Age’ (10/11/10). Define the following terms: anachronistic, mediation, homophobic, progressive, supportive Who are the key stakeholders in this issue? Write a brief paragraph about why this may be an important issue. Why is it so important for these girls to be recognised as a couple? Is it just about a school formal or is there a broader social picture?

3 Same sex couple banned from school formal Watch the video footage from ‘A Current Affair’ (Channel Nine) Now with a partner, go to Click on the link ‘Safe schools’ and read this section. Do you believe that Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar has breached the ‘Safe schools’ act as defined here? If so, in what way?

4 Same sex couple banned from school formal Now brainstorm a list of ‘For’ and ‘Against’ arguments in response to the topic question: “Was Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar right to ban same sex couples from its Year 11 formal?” Remember to take note of any interesting points that you may like to research or discuss further. When your responses have been collated in class, you must decide on a clear point of view and begin preparing your argument.

5 Legalisation of Euthanasia Euthanasia (from the Greek: ευ-, eu- (well or good) + θάνατος, thanatos (death)) refers to the practice of ending a life in a painless manner. Euthanasia is illegal in Australia but was legal in the Northern Territory for a short period from 1995 to 1997. Dr Philip Nischke was the first physician to administer a lethal voluntary injection under the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act of the Northern Territory. Four of Philip's terminally ill patients used this law to end their lives before it was overturned in March 1997 by the Australian Parliament. Greens Leader Bob Brown is trying for the second time to overturn a ban that prevents the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory passing laws allowing euthanasia.

6 Legalisation of Euthanasia Watch the videos at the following address: eature=fvw and eature=related eature=fvw eature=related Now with a partner, go to Scroll down to the classic version of the oath and read this section. What is the Hippocratic Oath? What impact might this oath have on a doctor’s decision to assist a patient in ending their lives? What are the various religions’ views on this issue?

7 Legalisation of Euthanasia Read through some of the articles related to euthanasia in the A3 handout. Define the following terms: sanctity of life, palliative care, conscience vote, dying with dignity, terminal illness, life-support, living will, voluntary euthanasia, involuntary euthanasia and none-voluntary euthanasia? Who are the key stakeholders in this issue? Write a brief paragraph about why this is an important issue? What are some of the wider implications should this legislation be successful?

8 Legalisation of Euthanasia Now brainstorm a list of ‘For’ and ‘Against’ arguments in response to the topic question: “Should Australia legalise Euthanasia?” Remember to take note of any interesting points that you may like to research or discuss further. When your responses have been collated in class, you must decide on a clear point of view and begin preparing your argument. Remember you must reference any material you may refer to in your speech. (Source of information e.g. Website address or news article details).

9 Police use of tasers A taser is a device that fires two tethered darts, delivering 19 pulses a second of about 1300 volts for five seconds. The darts cause violent muscle contractions and extreme pain or incapacitation. Debate about the police use of tasers began last year when 15 year old Tyler Cassidy was shot dead by police. It was felt using a taser would have saved his life. In October this year, footage of an unarmed man being tasered 13 times by nine policemen, prompted debate as to whether they were now being misused.

10 Police use of tasers Read the news article from the ‘The Australian’ (6/10/10). Define the following terms: intimidation, scrutiny, imminent, compliance, imperviousness, tethered, incapacitation Who are the key stakeholders in this issue? Write a brief paragraph about why this is an important issue? Is the taser an important tool in helping the police in fighting crime and ensuring the safety of the general public?

11 Police use of tasers Watch the video footage at the following address What is your impression of this situation? What might explain the reactions of the policemen in this situation? Are there situations that would justify the use of a taser?

12 Police use of tasers Now brainstorm a list of ‘For’ and ‘Against’ arguments in response to the topic question: “Should tasers be available to general duties police officers throughout Australia?” Remember to take note of any interesting points that you may like to research or discuss further. When your responses have been collated in class, you must decide on a clear point of view and begin preparing your argument.

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