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HRM in a Dynamic Environment

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1 HRM in a Dynamic Environment
Chapter 2 HRM in a Dynamic Environment Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. All rights reserved.

2 Globalization in HRM HR can help employees understand cultural environments by teaching them: new languages new cultures new ways to build teams and reduce conflict

3 Workforce Diversity and HRM
The varied personal characteristics that make the workforce heterogeneous.

4 Environmental Pressures
HR Responses Legislation Changing demographics Globalization Culturally- and family-sensitive benefits packages Diversity training

5 Changing Skill Requirements
Service sector employs 80% of workers Many job candidates lack basic skills Cost of skill deficiencies

6 Corporate Downsizing: The Rationale
Organizations seek greater efficiency by increasing spans of control.

7 Corporate Downsizing: Implications for HRM
Communicating changes Job redesign Training Working with top management Developing outplacement services

8 Mergers and Acquisitions: Implications for HRM
Counsel workers threatened by change or anxious about job security Reassign displaced workers Integrate employees and HRM from both organizations

9 Total Quality Management
Based on continuous process improvement (ongoing incremental changes) Key element is development of clear standards (e.g., ISO 9000) HRM can facilitate communications, training, and structural changes TQM

10 Reengineering Work Processes
Radical change of more than 70 per cent of work processes HR’s role: Help employees deal with conflict and change Provide skills training Adapt HR systems

11 The Contingent Workforce
Core employees: long-term relationship with organization, performing essential jobs. Contingent workers: hired for shorter time periods when specific skills are needed.

12 Types of Contingent Workers
Part-time employees: Work less than forty hours a week. Temporary employees: Fixed cost for labour used during specified (peak production) period. Contract workers: Hired to work on specific projects. Typically highly skilled.

13 Contingent Workers: Implications for HRM
Requires shift from position-focused HRM to portfolio-focused HRM. Focus is on: Planning for “virtual” employees Recruiting contingent workers Helping them adapt to organization Dealing with conflict between core and contingent workers

14 Decentralized Work Sites
New technology allows greater flexibility Is teleworking a better way to work? Managing teleworkers is an HRM challenge

15 Employee Involvement Empowerment includes: Delegation
Participative management Increased use of work teams HRM’s role: Communication and training

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